Queen Victorina & King Harold Wesley

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May's POV

We entered the palace and I was amazed by it's beauty. The designs were simple but the way it was displayed made it attractive. We stopped in front of a huge door. Sir Venedict opened the door and my jaw dropped when I saw a red carpet from the entrance all the way to the throne.

"Shall we?" Sir Venedict said. I smiled and glanced at Ken. She's not amazed at all in fact her face is as usual a poker face. We entered the room and stopped in front of the throne.
"Her Highness will be with you in a moment." Sir Venedict said and left us. I scout the entire room.
"Ken, it's amazing isn't it?" I commented.
"Everything's amazing to you May." She answered. Her attention was caught by something. She approached a picture of a family.
"Ken." I murmured.

Xyp's POV

Why do I have a feeling I was here before? I approached a family picture. It's a picture of the King and Queen together with their prince and princess. The face of the little girl caught my attention. My eyes widened when I realized that she looks like me when I was little.

"Glad you accepted my invitation." A lady said. I went to her front.
"Can't reject a Queen's request." I said. The Queen sat and we paid our respect to her.
"Why did you invite us here, Your Highness?" May asked.
"I like to meet the lightning user. Which one of you is she?" The Queen said.
"That would be her." May said pointing to me. The Queen faced me and smiled.
"Which kingdom are you from?" The Queen asked.
"I'm sorry your highness but I came from an ordinary environment." I answered.

"Victorina, I see you've invited them." An old man said.
"Harold, come join us." The Queen said.
"Let's talk in the garden, shall we?" The King said. Queen Victorina smiled.
"Of course. Follow me ladies." Queen Victorina said. We followed her and her husband to the garden.
"So, which kingdom are you from?" King Harold asked.
"Oh honey. They came from an ordinary environment." Queen Victorina answered.
"That's impossible." King Harold said.
"Pardon me King Harold but it's the truth." I said. We're having a tea in their beautiful garden which is full of flying creatures of which I haven't seen in Brooklyn.
"How did you became expert in using your power?" King Harold asked.
"Experience." I simply answered.
"Sir Venedict said that you're a lightning user." I nodded to the King.
"Lightning and fire are the rarest power here in Elemental. These powers are mostly possessed by the royal ones. That's why we asked what kingdom are you from." Queen Victorina said.

"Mom, Dad." The four of us looked at the entrance of the garden. A boy came running towards us. He hugged the Queen and King.
"Pete. Done practicing?" King Harold asked. The boy nodded.
"Good boy." King Harold said and messed the boy's hair.
"Dad my hair." The little boy protested. I smiled at them. What's the feeling being treated like that? I longed for a family love that I've never experienced before.
"Sorry. We almost forgotten you." Queen Victorina said.
"It's alright, Your Highnesses." May said. The boy then looked at us.
"Wait a minute. Are you the lady that caught the thief today?" The Prince asked.
"Thief?" The Queen and King said in unison.
"Yes Mom. I heard that a stranger lady caught a thief and fought with my trainer Jet Collin." The Prince said.
"He's right but I didn't fought with him. I tried to stop him from hitting the thief." I said.
"Why would you do that? He's a thief, he deserves to be hit." The Prince said. I smiled.
"Not all thieves deserves to be hit. What they need is proper education." I said and pat his head.
"You know you will be a wise ruler someday." The Prince said. I smiled.
"I'm not a royal one like you." I said.
"But you're a lightning user." The prince said. I just smiled.
"Someday you'll know." I said and bid my goodbye to the royal family.

May's POV

"Where are we going now?" I asked.
"I don't know May." Ken answered.
"I don't want to go back in Brooklyn." I said.
"Me too." Ken answered. The huge door was opened and we exited the palace. We're wandering outside the castle when Sir Venedict approached us.

"Where's your destination?" He asked. We shook our heads.
"You're welcome to stay at my house." He said. My eyes flickered with joy.
"Oh. Thank you Sir Venedict." I said.
"You're most welcome." He said.
"So where's your house?" Ken asked.
"It's just a downtown. Just wait here. I have some matters to discuss with the royal family." He said.

Sir Venedict's POV

I left the two girls and went inside the palace.

"You asked for me?" I asked the King and Queen.
"Tell me. Is she the one?" Queen Victorina asked directly.
"I'm not sure Your Highness. She may look like the princess but she only possesses the lightning power." I said. It's true that she looks like the princess except her eyes and one more thing is that she only possesses lightning.
"Enrol her in the academy for further observation." King Harold said.
"Yes Your Highness." I bowed and left the throne room. I went outside and immediately looked for the two ladies.

"Did you see two young ladies roaming around?" I asked one of the guards.
"They went downtown Sir Venedict." The guard answered. I rode downtown. Those girls are really a trouble. I said that they wait for me. I reached the town and started looking for them. I asked questions to some people but nobody has seen them. I stroll to the pavilion which is found at the very end of the town. It's true that it is a pavilion but it looks like a ruined house. This used to be the talk of the town but the day the princess vanished this pavilion changed. It's brightness went dark.

"Ken! Help!" I heard a familiar voice. It's May, one of the girls that I'm looking for. I immediately run towards the center. I hide when I saw a dark power surrounding May. I searched for Xyp but I can't find her.
"Where's your friend? Use your wind to call her." The dark smoke said. So May is a wind user. How come she can navigate? Is she also a special one? These two are a puzzle that's hard to solve.
"Hey! Let her go!" I was taken to reality when Xyp appeared.
"There you are, precious one." The smoke said.
"Ken."May said with teary eyes.
"May, close your eyes." Xyp said. May closed her eyes and the next event was a mystery to my eyes. There was a bright light which made me close my eyes and when I opened my eyes, May is safe in Xyp's arms. What happened? I asked myself.

"Sir Venedict, I need a hand here." Xyp said which made me full of shock. How did she knew I was here.
"Sir." She said the second time which made me realized what is happening. I approached them and carried May. We walked out the pavilion and to where I left my horse.
"Are you alright?" I asked. She just nodded. I put May at the back of the horse and we walked to my house. Silence filled the trip.

"The Queen asked if you want to stay here and study at Elemental Academy." I said.
"There's no place left for us to go to." She said then sighed.
"I accept the Queen's offer." She continued.
"The Queen will be happy." I said.
"When will we start?" She asked.
"Tomorrow." I answered. Then silence took over until we reached my house.
"Welcome to my humble home." I said. She laughed.
"What's funny?" I asked her full of confusion. I thought she's in a bad mood but now her mood changed.
"This is not a humble home. It's a proud one." She said.
"How's that so?" I asked her.
"It bears the mark of the past." She answered. I was shock. How did she know unless she's the princess.
"How did you know?" I asked.
"It's shown all over." She said and pointed to some marks left on the walls. I just nodded.

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