Elemental Academy

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Xyp's POV

"Hmmmm." May moaned. I suddenly realized that May is not okay.
"Let's go inside." Sir Venedict said. He carried May and we went inside. The theme of the house idps like the castle's. It's full of paintings and the walls are simply painted with dirty white. He slowly laid May on the small bed. He checked her.
"Is she going to be okay?" I asked him. He just nodded.
"I'll heal her." I said. I was about to position myself beside May but he stopped me.
"You may have a strong power but you need to take a rest or else your body will be worn out." He said. I was about to protest but he already surrounded May with fire. As much as I would like to use my fire power, I can't risk being found out so I went upstairs and found an empty room. I slept on the bed.

May's POV

Ouch my head hurts. I touched my head and tried to sit down but a pair of hands stopped me.
"You're not healed yet." A familiar voice said. I opened my eyes and saw Sir Venedict.
"Where's Ken?" I asked.
"Upstairs, resting." He answered.
"Is she alright?" I asks again.
"She's fine." He said. I let out a deep breathe.
"Now lay down." He said and I lay down.
"Why are you with a lightning user like Xyp?" He asked.
"What's wrong with being with her?" I responded.
"Lightning and wind are a rival." He said.
"Not in our case." I said.
"And besides, wind is an element yet you're under a sub element which is lightning." He said with a confused tone.
"Is that so?" I asked innocently. He nodded.
"Now that you know that what will you do?" He asked.
"Nothing. Everything will be just like before. Nothing will change." I said. He looked away and said these words which made me frozen.
"You're a puzzle to me. A hard one. Hope you're not hiding anything from me that's against this environment because if you do, you'll never ever see the future." Then he left me.

What was that about? I shook my head and closed my eyes. I hope Ken knows what she was doing.

Sir Venedict's POV

I left May after warning her. Hope that will make her think twice and reveal their motives. I went upstairs to my room. I was about to open the door when I heard a sob. It's coming from the empty room. I went closer to it and leaned my ear to the door.

"Who am I?" A girl's voice said. Her voice is so familiar.
"Why? Why am I here? *sniff, sniff* Why *sniff* do I *sniff* have to come *sniff* back *sniff* here?" My eyes widened and I immediately banged the door and went inside. To my surprise, no ones here. I lighten up the room and the bed is fixed nicely and there's no mark that someone has been here. Am I being haunted? I sighed and left the room and went straight to my room.

May's POV

"May wake up." Ken said while moving my body.
"Let me sleep Ken." I said.
"We're going to be late." She said. Late? I don't remember her saying a plan today?
"May, come on." She bursted.
"Alright, alright." I said and slowly opened my eyes. I was shocked to see her wearing a weird cloth.
"Are we going to a costume party?" I ask.
"No silly. We're going to school." She said and gave me a weird cloth.
"School?" I asked. She nodded.
"So hurry up." She said. I immediately went to the bathroom where Ken pointed. I took a bath and after 45 minutes I'm ready for school.
"There you are. Let's go. You're ride's here." Sir Venedict said. We went outside the house and was shocked.
"That's our ride?" Ken asked.
"What? You haven't seen rides like this?" Sir Venedict asked. Well our ride is simply a carpet! For Christ sake. How will this carry us?
"Are you sure that thing can carry us?" I asked him. He laughed and stand at the carpet.
"One way to find out." He said with a teasing tone. I looked at Ken and she sighed. She started to walk towards the carpet but I stopped her. She looked at me and smiled.
"It'll be fine. You're a wind user, remember?" She said. I then sighed and we walked towards the carpet. At first I closed my eyes as the carpet started to rise. I held Ken's arms while praying.

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