Xyprene, Kenzie and the White Dragon

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Clifford's POV

It has been three days since Xyp was pierced by a black blade. Fortunately she wasn't dead but she's still unconscious.
"Let me took care of her. Have a rest." Jet said. I'm currently taking care of Xyp here at the academy's healing room.
"I don't want to." I said.
"Stubborn. You need your strength to protect her if they come back." My brother said. I was left with no choice but to follow him. I stood up and went to the other bed.
"What are you doing?" My brother asked.
"Rest." I simply said and went to sleep.

Jet's POV

If you're the princess then who is Ken?

"I was created to be her. I was created for her." I nearly had a heart attack.
"Since when can you read minds?" I asked Ken who is standing at the door.
"I know you had suspicions when you found that necklace." She said. Speaking of that necklace. I took it out of my pocket together with the pendant.
"You still have them?" Ken asked. I nodded. She took out another pendant which is a heart shaped. What is this? The necklace is a diamond shape, the pendant I am holding is a cross and Ken's is a heart. What does this mean?
"Oh, I forgot. I found this on Xyp's pocket." Clifford said and raised another necklace which is a sword.
"Something's up." Ken said. She took all four and placed it on Xyp's heart.
"We're missing something." Ken said.
"What is it?" Clifford asked.
"The white dragon." Ken said.
"The pendant that symbolizes the ruler." Clifford said.
"The King has it." I said.
"Do they know all about this?" Ken asked.
"Sir Venedict and Sir Wallace went to the palace." I said.
"Let's wait then." Ken said ant took the four accessories and placed it in a box then the box suddenly disappeared.

Sir Venedict's POV

We have finally arrived at the palace. I'm nervous as to what will happen if they find out that their beloved daughter is suffering.
"Sir Venedict!" The young prince called.
"What is it young prince?" I asked.
"Sister talked to me in my dreams." He said smiling.
"What did she say?" I asked.
"She's coming back for me and for our parents." He said.
"Really?" I asked. He nodded confidently. And went playing.

"Oh kids and their dreams." The King said.
"Your Highness." I and Sir Wallace said.
"What brought you to the palace?" King Harold asked.
"Recently there was an attack at the academy." Sir Wallace started.
"What? How did this happened?" The King asked.
"Blake returned." I said.
"So Ken was defeated?" The King asked.
"No Your Highness. Ken's with us." Sir Wallace said.
"Then how did the seal unlocked?" The King asked.
"The princess unlocked it." I said.
"Where is she? Where's my daughter?" The King asked.
"I'm sorry if I didn't inform you immediately about this Your Highness. And I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect her." I said.
"She's d-dead?" The King asked.
"She's still alive Your Highness but unconscious." I said.
"Take me to her." King Harold said.
"How about the Queen, Your Highness?" Sir Wallace said.
"Don't stress her. She may not be able to withstand her emotions." The King said. We nodded and led the King to the academy.

Clifford's POV

What's taking them so long? Ugh!

"Be patient." Ken said.
"I am but I'm getting restless." I said.
"They'll come." Jet said. We're here outside Xyp's room waiting for Sir Venedict.

After five minutes...

"They sure are late." Ken said. I stood up and walk back and forth. Jet's leaning on the wall and Ken's thinking.

After another five minutes...

"They're here." Ken said.
"How did you know?" I asked.
"May?" Jet asked. Ken nodded.
"May communicates with me telepathically." Ken said.
"What's that?" Jet asked. I didn't finish what I was about to say when we felt something.
"Its Xyp's power. The white dragon." Ken said and immediately went inside the room, we followed her and we saw Xyp's body surrounded with white energy.
"Need help?" Ken asked.
"Place the pendants and necklaces on her heart." A voice.
"Who's talking?" I asked.
"The white dragon." Ken said.

"What's happening?" The King said.
"About time." Ken said and faced the King.
"I need the white dragon's pendant." She said.
"Its for the princess Your Highness." Jet said. The King gave Ken the pendant.
"Make some distance. This may hurt you." Ken said and approached Xyp.

Kenzie's POV

I approached Xyp. This is what I'm created for.

"Are you ready?" The white dragon asked.
"I've been ready for this my whole life." I answered.
"Place them in order." He said. I placed the white dragon pendant at the center first and the sword at the right then the cross at the left. The heart on top and the diamond below creating a big cross on her heart. The accessories shone and they float in mid air.
"Well done Ken."
"So is this my end?" I asked.
"Nobody's leaving." I smiled.
"You're back." I said. She smiled and held my hand.
"Together, let's end this." She said.

"With the guide of the mighty dragon, we seal our fate;
Together we shall be one;
With the spirit of the white dragon, we sacrifice our life for the people of Elemental.

White dragon here our plea, we seek for your strength that we may be free;
With your power we, as one, will rule Elemental with fair and equality."

"The seal is bound." The white dragon said. We smiled and the five accessories became three. And the white energy vanishes.

"What was that?" Jet asked. We showed them the three items.
"You made pact with the white dragon?" The King asked. We nodded. The King smiled. He approached us and hugged Xyp.
"My precious daughter." He said.
"I'm glad everyone's okay." Xyp said. She took the white dragon pendant and gave it to the King.
"Mine's the heart and diamond." Xyp said.
"As you wish princess." I said.
"Enough with formalities." She said and we laughed.
"The Queen's looking for you Your Highness." I said.
"She's already here?" The King asked.

"Harold!" We heard the Queen shouted. Xyp laughed. We all look at her laughing while pointing to her dad's face. Her laugh vanished when the door opened.
"You jerk! Why didn't you tell me?!" The Queen bursted.
"Ma!" Xyp shouted and everyone's shocked.
"My precious daughter." The Queen said and ran towards her.
"Are you hurt?" Queen Victorina asked.
"I was. And I guess that's the reason why Dad didn't tell you about me being here." Xyp said.
"Oops. Sorry." Queen Victorina said. And everyone laughed.

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