Till We Meet Again

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Xyp's POV

I ran and ran until I ran out of breath. I stopped and found myself at the feet of the waterfall we saw when we first came. I approached it. It's so calm despite how high the water is falling down. I saw my reflection on the water. It's so clear and my face is a mess. Why do I have to experience this?

"You have a great destiny ahead of you. You'll meet new friends and you'll meet your enemies which had been a part of your past. In every decision and every move you make, think before acting."

What does the old man mean about those words? It has been five years and yet I don't know what it means.

"You'll have to decide on a great thing but be careful for the future depends on this decision that you have to make."

Ugh!!!! Why does this memory keeps on coming back? Does this has to do with my shadow?

"Are you okay?" A voice asked me. I looked around but my eyes didn't see anyone.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"Just somebody." She answered.
"Where are you? Show yourself to me." I said.
"Someday we'll meet but now, I'm just here to remind you of what you have to do." She said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Till then." She said.
"Wait! I need answers." I said but nobody responded. I just sighed. What a life. I thought. I sat down on a rock and watch the fishes swim.

Someone's POV


I woked up and turned off my alarm clock. Same dream again. It's been a long time since I've dreamt about that girl. Who is she and why do I always kept on saying the same words that I, myself don't know what the hell were those words. I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine. I went downstairs and prepare my breakfast. I wonder who the girl is. Her face is so blurred.

Jet's POV

Shit. She ran away.
"Let's go!" I said and we went after Ken. We followed her and she entered the forest. Our eyes widened and we were shocked of what happened.
"How did she do that?" Mark asked. Well the walls vanished when she came near it and then went back again when she had already entered the forest.
"Is there some kind of trick behind it?" Dane asked.
"It must have something to do with her mark." Kyron said.
"Let's use the main entrance." I said and we all ran towards the dormitory.

"Where is she? I can't trace her." Mark said. Well he's our wind guy plus earth power.
"Me neither." Dane said. He's an earth and water elemental.
"Can we use fire?" Kyron asked. He possesses fire and wind.
"Just use your wind, Ky and help us here." Mark said.
"Wait. Water. I saw her reflection on a water." I said. Well I'm a fire and water elemental.
"Don't tell me she's out there?" Dane asked and pointed up. We all followed his hand and we saw the water fall.
"No. She's down there and looks like she's talking with someone else." Kyron said.
"Let's go." I said and we ran.

Xyp's POV

I felt someone's coming. I equipped myself and readied my lightning.
"There you are princess." My eyes widened. He's the ninja Sir Venedict fought with the first day we met.
"Why are you here all alone?" He asked.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"You don't recognize me?" He asked.

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