You Again?

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Jet's POV

What the? I immediately dodged a lightning strike that's coming at me.
"Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my room?!" She shouted then again she used her lightning strike to attack me. Suddenly the door opened and everybody's out of breath.
"What's happening here?" The Aya asked.
"That pervert is in my room!" The girl said and pointed at me. Pervert?
"Oops." Bea said. The boys then immediately approached me.
"Are you alright Jet?" Dane asked. I looked at them and saw their worried faces.
"I'm okay." I said. The boys then cleared my way and I saw her face.
"You!" We said in chorus.
"You knew each other?" Bea asked.
"Why are you following me?" I asked confidently.

"I'm not the one who's following you here." She said and she crossed her arms.
"Well, Jet she's the one we've been telling you." Aya said.
"She's the transferee?" Dane and Mark asked in unison. Aya and Bea nodded.
"That's settled then so will all of you get the hell out of my room!" She shouted. I immediately went outside and the boys did the same. Aya and Bea kept on laughing while closing the door.

"What's funny?" I asked in a serious tone. They immediately stopped laughing and went to serious mode.
"Woah. That girl got nerves." Mark said.
"She's scary." Dane said.
"Scary eh? Let's see if she'll stay like that after tomorrow." I said while smirking.
"Jet, you're not planning on ruining her life are you?" Bea asked. I just smirked at her and then left their dorm.

Aya's POV

"Jet found his match." Mark said while smiling.
"This will be a hell year." I said. Everybody looked at me with questioning looks.
"Jet will never ever leave that girl in peace until that girl surrenders." I explained. They just nodded their heads.
"Where's Kyron?" Bea asked. Speaking of that guy. We went to the kitchen and found him baking.

"Ky,what are you baking?" I asked as I approached him.
"Nothing special." He answered.
"Haven't you notice anything a while ago?" Mark asked. This time he looked at us.
"Your too noisy." He said. So he knew there was a commotion a while ago.
"Why didn't you joined us?" Dane asked.
"You know him. He doesn't want to join in a commotion." A familiar voice said. We all looked at the kitchen door.
"Aida!" We all shouted except Kyron.
"My ears." She said while covering them with her hands. She joined us in the dining table.
"When did you came back?" I asked her. Well she went on a mission two days ago and now she's back.
"Last night." She said.
"Last night!" We all said. Well except Kyron who doesn't express his feelings much.
"Then why didn't you joined us this morning?" Bea asked.
"Well have to tidy up some loose ends." Aida answered. I was about to speak when suddenly someone spoke.

"Pardon me." She said. We all looked at her as she walk towards the sink. She washed her hands and then left. We heard the main door opened and closed.
"Who is she?" Aida asked.
"A transferee." I answered.
"Where from?" Aida asked again.
"We don't know." Mark responded.
"An ordinary environment." Kyron said so we all looked at him.
"What do you mean?" We asked in chorus.
"Observe her actions and you'll understand me." He said then left us.

Xyp's POV

I left the dorm and went outside to have a fresh air.
"Miss wait up!" I looked back and saw a guy running towards me. Wait, that's the guy in the kitchen a while ago. What does he want now?
"What do you want?" I asked him the moment he reached me. He Vought his breath and faced me.
"Kyron Choi." He said and offered his right hand. I took his hand and we shook hands. After that I walked away but he grabbed my arm.
"What's you're name?" He asked.
"Ken." I answered. He let go of my arm so I left him there standing. I walked and walked until I found myself in the middle of a forest.

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