Chapter 8 >::< Say You'll Stay >::<

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:: Max's P.O.V. ::

As soon as Allison slapped me, I could feel the rage serge through my veins and I ran out of the school, knowing I was about to turn. I ran all the way home and didn't turn around. I couldn't let anyone find out what I was. As soon as I got home, I slammed the door and locked it so nobody could come in. I felt myself relax so I went upstairs to take a nap. I opened my bedroom door and Scott was coming through my window. "What. The. Fuck.", was all that came out of my mouth. "Are you okay? I am so sorry! I can't believe she did that!", Scott said quickly, running up to me. "Get out, please. I just wanna be alone.", I said honestly. "Max...", he said, sounding hurt. "Please. Just go.", I begged, looking at the ground. I heard my window close and Scott was gone. I layed down on my bed and began drifting into a sweet slumber. I began to have a dream.


I was in the car with my dad and we were driving down an unfamiliar road. Out of nowhere a big alpha werewolf ran into the road. My dad tried to stop the car, but he was too late. The alpha picked the car up and threw it. We landed in a ditch upside down. I looked over and saw my dads bloody body and I knew he was gone. I began to cry and scream. "Dad! No! Please! Dad!!". I tried to unbuckle my seatbelt, but it was stuck. I looked around and saw glass from the windshield. I picked it up and began cutting the seatbelt. Once I got free, I crawled out of the car. I began to crawl until I saw hairy feet with grossly long nails. I looked up to see the alpha staring down at me. He grabbed me by my neck and put his nail up to my throat. His nail pierced into my skin and dragged along my neck. I began to feel warm liquid spill from my throat.

          ~End of dream~

I woke up from a knock at my front door, my body was hot and sweaty and my blanket and sheets were messed up. I ran to the restroom and fixed my hair and washed my red face. After I cleaned up, I ran downstairs. I opened the door and saw Sheriff Stilinski. "Hey Sheriff, is there a problem?", I asked. "Um, yeah. Max, this is going to be hard to say , but I don't know an easier way to say it. Your father is dead.", he said. At that moment, the whole world stopped. My dad is dead.



sorry for the wait and sorry this chapter is short. I will update ASAP!

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