Chapter 11 Cashmere

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::Max's P.O.V::

 When I woke up, Stiles was gone. I looked at the alarm clock that showed it was 12:50 in the afternoon. I hopped out of the bed fast. I'm really late to class. Why didn't Stiles wake me? My thoughts vanished when I saw a note on the bedside table. Call me when you wake ~ Stiles , it read. I grabbed my phone and went through my contacts. I held the phone up to my ear as it rang. 'Hello?', Stiles' voice replaced the ringing. "Hey Stiles, why didn't you wake me up?", I asked. 'I just thought you..ya know... wanted to', his voice made him sound almost as if he was nervous. 'Do you need anything? Need me to come home for anything?', he asked quickly. "I think I'm good, thanks. Just call me when you're on your way home please?", I said, but it sounded more like a question. 'Uh, yeah, yes, of course.', he said. "Okay, well I'm going to just hang out in your room. I guess.", I replied. "Okay. I gotta go. Bye.", he said hurriedly in the phone before hanging up. Who knows what that was about. I went into his room and just looked around. I didn't really touch anything, because I know if he stayed at my place, I wouldn't want him snooping through my belongings. I saw some Batman movies under his desk and grabbed the first one. I put it into his DVD Player and hit the play button before sitting on his bed.

 "Whatcha doin'?", Stiles asked as he walked in during the second movie,but i kept my eyes on the screen. "Watching Batman..",I replied. "I can see that.", he said sitting next to me. "Well then why did you ask?", I chuckled.  He shrugged and chuckled, also. I scooted back so that my back was against a pillow leaning against the headboard. Stiles looked back at me and smiled, making my heart flutter a million miles per hour. He scooted back next to me and put his arm around me. I leaned my head on his shoulder and smiled to myself. I really do like him. I could tell that he was just looking at me, so I lifted my head. When doing so, the tips of our noses were touching due to the close proximity. We stared into each others eyes for a while. I started smiling which caused Stiles to do the same. Finally, he leaned in and we shared the most passionate kissMy heart was racing and I could tell Stiles' was doing the same. His hand gently caressed my cheek as we continued this beautiful moment. I smiled into the kiss which allowed Stiles' tongue to slip in. I loved it. Until it ended.

 Stiles suddenly pulled away and just stared at me. It was as if he was having an internal battle. Then, his eyes widened. I didn't know what was going on so I just started watching TV again. When I looked back at Stiles, he was just looking down, twiddling his thumbs. Since it was already 8:00, I showered and put one of Stiles' plaid shirts on, along with my own boxers. When I got out, Stiles was still sitting there, but instead of looking down, he was looking at me. Of course, me being me, I tried to look all sexy, without trying to look sexy, and laid down on the bed, pulling the covers over my and closing my eyes. Not even a minute later, I felt Stiles got under the covers and put an arm around my waist. What's up with this guy? He kisses my cheek and whispers a goodnight. "Stiles?", I say quietly. "Yeah?", he says back just as quiet. "Can we go somewhere? I know it's late and all, but I just want to go somewhere. Anywhere.", I say quickly as I turn around so that I'm facing him. "Uh, sure. Wh- Where do you want t- to go?", he stuttered. "I don't know.", I whisper, "Can we just ride around? Can I drive?", I said, my voice getting squeaky and fast due to my excitement. "Sure.", Stiles sighs, smiling. I hop out of the bed and slide off my boxers, putting some jeans on instead. Then, I ran to Stiles' bedroom door, ready to go, but when I looked at Stiles, I noticed that he was staring at me with wide eyes and his mouth wide open. "Stiles?", I said raising an eyebrow,"You coming?". He shook his head as if to be shaking out of a trans. I just shrugged and got the keys off of his desk.



Hey guys sorry it took so long. Hope you're still reading. If you are then thank you so so much. Love youuuu ^_^

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