Oh No

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Katie began her usual routine by waking up early in the morning in time to make breakfast for her daughter. As a demigod, she was able to balance her life efficiently, making room for her daughter and her work as well. She prepared pancakes with sausage, maple syrup, and eggs for her and her daughter. When she finished, she heard the footsteps of her daughter running down the stairs.

"Good morning mommy!" an enthusiastic 5 year old Rose said.

"Good morning sweetheart," replied Katie. "I made you your favorite breakfast today! Once you finish eating, I'll drive you to school."

"Thanks mommy!" Rose said.

Katie began packing lunch for both her and her daughter to bring to school. Soon enough, Rose finished her breakfast and the two were off to Rose's school.

"Are you excited for your first day of school?" Katie asked.

"Yes mommy! I love my nap time at school!" replied Rose as Katie laughed.

The both of them arrived at school and Katie went to Rose's classroom to meet the teacher.

"Hello, you must be Rose's mother. It's nice to meet you." greeted the teacher.

"It's nice to meet you as well, Mr. ?"

"Stoll, I'm Mr. Stoll."

It only took a second for Katie to realize who was standing in front of her after all these years. Instantly she felt her heartstrings tugging in multiple directions as she faced the man who broke her heart all those years ago.

Travis Stoll.

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