Really? Really.

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After telling Chiron the plan, the duo went to their respective homes to get some rest for the plan would be initiated tomorrow night.

As morning came and Katie opened her eyes she was greeted by the sight of her daughter.

"Mommy! You're awake now!!" exclaimed Rose.

"I am now. Let me freshen up and then I'll take you out for some breakfast."


As Rose left her mom's room, Katie freshened up and put on her bracelet to see if Travis was there.

"Hey Travis. Are you there? I need to ask you something."

Within a few seconds, Travis responded.

"Ya I'm here. What's up Kit-Kat?"

"Well, I was hoping you'd get breakfast with me and Rose. Since we're together again, I think she has a right to know that you're her father after all."

"Of course!!! Where should I meet you guys?"

"Meet us at Auntie M's Cafe at 10."

"Alright see you then!"

Katie then took off her bracelet and began getting dressed for breakfast. She had already told Miranda all the events that had happened so she didn't have to worry. As she went downstairs, she already saw Rose sitting on the couch, watching TV and waiting for her.

"Hi sweetie, you ready to go?"


"Ok, before we go I want to tell you something."

"Is it about my dad?"

Wow, for a 5 year old she's pretty smart.

"Um, yes it is. You're finally going to meet him!"

"Really? I'm so excited Mom!"

"So is he. He'll be coming to breakfast with us and I think you'll be surprised."

"Ok Mommy!"

So on that note the two of them got ready and began driving to Auntie M's Cafe.

When they got there, Katie noticed that Travis had already taken a table and was waiting for them.

"Alright Rose! Your dad's already waiting so let's go!"

"Um I'm not sure if I want to do this Mommy. What if he doesn't like me?"

"Aw Rose! Trust me when I say he loves you. Mommy swears on the River Styx."

Katie then held her pinky up and intertwined it with her daughter's, making an unwritten oath of Travis's love for Rose.

The two then walked to Travis's table but before they sat down, Rose said, "Hi Mr. Stoll! What are you doing here? I'm here because I'm about to meet my dad. I'm so excited and nervous but Mommy's said a lot of nice things about him."

The 5 year old was about to ramble on until Katie said, "Rose, meet your Dad."

The brunette haired, green eyed 5 year old simply performed a jaw drop.

Travis simply did his signature smirk and said, "Hello Rose. As your Mom said, I am your Dad."

"Really?" asked the young girl.

"Really." replied Travis.

"Well now that introductions are done, let's sit and order breakfast." Katie said.

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