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The next day came about and Katie remembered the incident from the night before. She kissed Travis Stoll. She began to mentally freak out and cursed herself until she realized that she was still wearing the bracelet that linked her mind to Travis's. She then immediately took off the bracelet and began praying to the gods that he didn't hear her.

Unfortunately for her, on the receiving end of her thoughts came Travis's reply.

"Do you regret kissing me that much, Kit Kat? If you want, it won't happen again. If you don't say anything, then I'll know you don't want me in your life again."

And with a sad heart and a false lead, Travis took off his ring with no realization that Katie had taken off her bracelet too early and was unable to hear his response.

The two of them had arranged meetings with the other agents from Camp Jupiter and the four planned to meet at Starbucks.

"Hello Katie and Travis. My name is Reyna and this is Frank. We are two of the top agents at Camp Jupiter and we look forward to helping you with this case."

"Nice to meet you two. So for this case let's cover what we know already. Poison Ivy is located in Madison Square Garden. In order to enter there without any suspicion, we should take the back entrance or we could sneak in through the air vents." said Katie.

"Alright, I say we sneak in through the air vents, that way we'll be able to make it quick and not cause suspicion. We can attempt the plan tomorrow night. Sound good?" asked Frank.

"Perfect." replied Travis.

"Alright. Then we will see the two of you tomorrow night." said Reyna.

"Bye! It was nice meeting you guys!" Katie said.

Although it may have appeared to be a friendly meeting between the four of them, the awkwardness between Katie and Travis lingered as the other two agents left. And to only make matters worse, as both Travis and Katie were leaving Starbucks, they run into Katie's ex-boyfriend, Lee Fletcher.

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