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"I didn't know you were a demigod! Let alone that you also work for the agency!" exclaimed Katie.

"Look who's talking!" replied Travis.

"Enough! The both of you have been assigned to this mission because of your abilities. Word is that a new villain by the name of Poison Ivy (I'm sorry I couldn't think of anything else but ey any batman fans??) is rising and we need the two of you to stop her. She is wreaking havoc all over New York and is planning on destroying the agency." Chiron said.

"Are you serious? She's planning on destroying Half-Blood Agency? Do the other agents at Jupiter Agency know about this too?" asked Katie.

"Yes, they do. That is why Reyna and Frank from Jupiter Agency will be assisting you." replied Chiron.

"Do we have any information as to how and why she plans to destroy the agency?" asked Travis.

"That is the first part of your mission. The agency needs the two of you plus the two from Jupiter Agency to go to Poison Ivy's lair located underneath Madison Square Garden to identify her motives. The second part is having the four of you relay this information to the agencies so we can devise a plan as how to defeat her." Chiron said. "You will each be given a device that allows you to communicate with one another telepathically. The link will only work as long as the two of you wear it at the same time. If one person does not have it on then it is useless. Katie, your device is a bracelet whereas Travis, yours is a ring. Now go forth with this mission and remember, the fate of Half-Blood Agency rests on you."

As Katie put on her bracelet and Travis slipped on his ring, their thoughts became intertwined as they both felt immense pressure from Chiron, but mostly felt the tension between each other.

The two exited Chiron's office and soon began bombarding each other with questions.

"I thought you were a teacher!"

"How come you never told me you were a demigod?"

"Why did you break up with me?"

"Is Rose my daughter?"

Silence engulfed the two as the final two questions took their toll.

Travis answered first.

"I broke up with you because I was a demigod. I thought you would be safer if I wasn't in your life. I didn't know you were a demigod too! If I knew, I would have never left you. I'm sorry."

Katie stood speechless as tears slowly made their way down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry too. I'm sorry I never told you I was a demigod. I'm sorry I didn't fight for you as much as I should have. But most of all, I'm sorry that I never told you that Rose was your daughter. It's just, the day I found out I was pregnant, is the day you decided to break up with me. And I didn't want Rose to grow up believing her father didn't love her, so instead I hid her from you."

The two pulled each other into a hug whilst Katie attempted to fight the tears rolling down her cheeks, but failing. When the two pulled away, Travis couldn't help himself. He pulled Katie into a passionate kiss and to his surprise, she kissed him back.

Once Katie pulled back, she began to speak.

"I should be heading back home, Miranda is watching Rose and I need to go pick her up. Keep your ring on so we can communicate and I'll call Reyna while you call Frank and we can arrange a time and place to discuss the mission. Good bye Travis."

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