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"Katie?" questioned Travis.

"Hello Travis, it's nice to see you after all these years. How have you been?" asked Katie.

"I've been fine. How about you? I didn't know you had a daughter!" exclaimed Travis.

"Yeah, I do. She's the light of my life."

"So, I'm guessing that means there's a husband too?"

"Actually no, her dad left us and so I've been a single mother for most of Rose's life, but Miranda still comes and helps out."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that."

Katie didn't understand why she was explaining her life to her former lover but she just did.

"Yeah, so am I. Well, I've got to get going, I have to go to work, but it was nice seeing you again Travis, tell Connor I say hello as well."

"Will do Kit Kat."

Travis cursed under his breath realizing his mistake and begging that Katie didn't notice. Luckily Katie left before she could hear her familiar nickname given to her by Travis back in their high school days.

Travis stared at Katie as she exited out the door, then glanced at her daughter and saw all the striking similarities. From her golden brunette hair, to her emerald green eyes, there was no doubt Rose took after her mother. However, when Rose smiled, Travis couldn't help but notice the shocking similarity to his own smirk.

Travis then looked at the classroom and said, "Let's begin the class now."

Meanwhile, Katie went to her florist shop and opened up her business. She greeted customers and assisted them with floral arrangements, until it was time to pick up Rose from school. On the way to Rose's school, Katie received a call from Chiron. He was her boss for her other line of work, being a demigod agent. She was told to report to the agency in 30 minutes to be informed of her new mission. She agreed, then called Miranda to see if she was available to babysit Rose tonight while she was doing her mission. After picking Rose and dropping her off at Miranda's, Katie headed to the agency and met with Chiron.

"Katie, meet your partner for this mission," said Chiron.

Katie turned her head to her new partner only to be greeted by a brunette blue eyed boy wearing his infamous smirk.

"Travis Stoll."

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