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Travis and the rest of the demigods met outside of Poison Ivy's lair.

"Alright, does everyone remember the plan?" asked Travis.

Everyone gave nods showcasing they remembered.

"Alright let's go over it just in case." Annabeth said.

"Ok, Connor, Miranda and Lou Ellen, you guys are going to try to find Katie and Rose. If you bump into Ethan, Lou, you know what to do." Travis said.

Lou nodded her head in agreement.

Travis continued, "Percy, Annabeth, and Thalia. You three are going with Hazel and Frank to the front entrance to distract Poison Ivy. Alright, Piper, Jason, Leo, and Reyna. You guys are going with Will and Nico through the back entrance to gather more information about Poison Ivy. Find anything you can. I'm going to go with Connor, Miranda and Lou, but I'll be scattered around. Chiron gave you guys the telepathic communicators, right?"

Everyone pointed to their communicators.

"Alright, perfect, use this to communicate and let us all know your location." Travis said.

The group then split up and went their respective ways to fulfill the plan.


"What did you do to Rose?" declared Katie.

"Oh, I just gave her the concoction I told you about and a growth serum. No big deal." Poison Ivy replied. "However, I was pleasantly surprised to find that she already possessed demigod qualities. The concoction barely had an effect on her, it just strengthened her powers."

"No big deal? NO BIG DEAL? You took a majority of my daughter's childhood away, and now you're making her work for you?! You will pay."

"Rose, attack."

The now 17 year old Rose launched her plants at her mother, completely under the influence of Poison Ivy, or so her mother thought.

"Rose I don't want to hurt you. Please snap out of it. You don't have to do this."

Rose was not listening. In a similar black bodysuit, she began throwing punches at her mother. Katie dodged them easily, but didn't want to use her powers on her own daughter.

When Rose was close enough to Katie, she whispered, "Mom I'm fine. I broke her control long ago but you need to keep acting so she believes us. Tell Dad the concoctions are in the storage room. Run away, and I'll run after you."

Katie then kicked her daughter to the wall and proceeded to run away.

As expected Poison Ivy said, "Rose, go after her, then finish her off."

Rose was already running by that time.

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