Exes and Ohs

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"Oh, um hello Lee." said Katie.

"Hi. How have you been? Is this your boyfriend?" asked Lee.

"Oh, I've been great. Rose is doing fine as well." replied Katie.

And as soon as Katie was about to answer Lee's second question, Travis swooped in and said, "Hi, I'm Travis, Katie's current boyfriend, nice to meet you."

"Oh, well nice to meet you, I guess. Well I have to get going, I'm meeting up with someone, but we should get together sometime Katie and catch up. It's been a while." Lee said.

"Oh, sure. Bye Lee!" said Katie.

As soon as Lee left, Katie automatically slapped Travis's arm.

"Why did you say you were my boyfriend when you're not?!"

"We practically confessed our love to each other just last night!"

"It's true. I still love you, but that does not give you any right to introduce yourself as my boyfriend to my ex boyfriend before I at least tell Miranda about us!"

"Ohhh. Sorry Kit-Kat, I haven't been myself since this morning."

At that moment Katie realized that Travis had most likely heard her thoughts.

"Oh what happened this morning?" Katie asked in hopes she thought incorrectly.

"Are you being serious? You're the one who practically said that you regretted kissing me and when I asked for a response, you didn't even answer, leaving me to think you wanted nothing to do with me!" replied Travis.

"I'm sorry. I know my thoughts but I do not remember anything about you talking to me. I think it's because right after my thought, I took off my bracelet so I couldn't hear what you had thought." Katie said.

"Ohhhh that makes more sense." said Travis.

"Let's just put that whole thing behind us and continue what we have right now."

"You mean, we're like an official couple?"

"Do you want us to be?"

"Oh my gods! Yes yes yes! I finally got my Kit-Kat back!!"

"Oh my gods Travis! We're still in the middle of the street, lower your voice."

And on that note, the two of them began walking back to headquarters to tell Chiron the plan.

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