2) Film Night & Pizza

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~Lily's POV~

Once we had all finished talking and getting to know each other in the park it was late into the afternoon. We had months of gossip and adventure to catch up on about all the things the boys has been up to on tour, and who they had met. All the boys seemed genuinely nice and very talented, however Drew was still very quiet.

We all got a ride back home with my mom, and decided to order something for dinner. When we arrived home my mom hurried to the kitchen to get the leaflets to order from, and me and the boys all sat down on the two couches we had.

"Enough about us Lils, what have you been up to since we've been gone?" Levi asked.

"Well apart from school work and hanging out with my friends not much, I haven't exactly got any interesting stories like you guys! You've travelled the world!"

"What do you do with your friends?" Asked Drew. I was beginning to forget he was there, he was being so quiet.

"Well I've only got two friends, Jason and my best friend Sophia both who I've literally known forever." I replied "And we go to the beach and surf on nice days, go to the park or stay in and watch movies, you know normal things. Of course you guys are not used to normal" We all laughed.

"You can surf?" Asked Austin "Mind teaching me sometime? I've always wanted to learn"

"Umm Yeah sure" I blushed deeply and saw Levi roll his eyes in disgust.

Seconds later my mom returned with several leaflets to order takeout. We decided on pizza as it was what all of us liked and once we had all written down our orders my mom went back into the kitchen to get the pizza delivered.

"Why don't we go and get a movie to watch tonight?" Asked Nate. "We could do that thing that Lily keeps going on about, you know being 'normal'!" We all laughed again

"Great Idea!" Exclaimed Levi.

We all got ready and Levi went to tell our mom that we were going out for a while.

"Hurry up then" She said "The pizza will be here in about half an hour!"

All five of us left the house after mom lecturing the boys about looking after me. We decided to walk because the evening was nice, and the shops were only ten minutes away. I've never had so much fun as I was having with the guys, I'm glad that we all get on so well even though we'd only met hours ago. We laughed until our sides hurt all the way until we'd reached the store. Once inside we all went straight over to the movie section and tried to decide on a movie.

"I'm thinking something scary" Said Nate

"Or something action packed, like a marvel film" Said Levi

I turned to Drew who was looking at the ground making no effort in deciding.

"What do you think Drew?" I asked

"Well I've never really been into horror movies..." The other guys turned away fighting over the different films on each shelves and contemplating why one was better than the other.

"What kind of films do you like?" He asked me, his green eyes sparkled and he had a slight smile on his lips.

"I tell Levi my favourite film is 'Saw', but its actually..." I stop mid sentence turning a deep shade of red and looking at the floor hoping Drew wouldn't judge me. "I actually really love films like 'The Notebook'"

I cover my face with my hands refusing to see Drew's reaction (Levi's would have been to call me out in front of the whole store and probably humiliate me for the rest of my life) But instead I felt Drew's hands remove mine from my face, when I opened my eyes he was smiling, I was confused until he leant in and whispered:

"Me too"


When we arrived home I collapsed onto the couch as Levi, Austin and Nate were still arguing over the best movies of 2012. They ended up  buying a random film that I had never heard of, and I decided not to argue as I was so tired from excitedly waiting up all night for Levi to be coming home, and I was starving. Drew sat down next to me and pulled out his phone.

"Where have you been?" Questioned my mom "Luckily the pizzas have only just arrived."

We all took our boxes and began eating, and I felt much better after eating so much that I couldn't even look at another slice.

"Are you guys going to be Okay by yourselves?" Asked Mom "I'm just popping over Linda's to some last minute work"

My mom was a wedding planner so she had been spending the last couple of months helping out Linda who lived on our road with her wedding which was in a couple of weeks.

"Yeah we'll be fine" Me and Levi said in sync

When my mom had left, Levi made some popcorn and all five of us sat down to watch the movie. Nate and Levi took one of the couches, and I sat in next to Austin who was also next to Drew. The movie was so boring. We had barely been through twenty minutes but It had felt like hours. I pulled the blanket off the back off the couch so I could use it to hide my phone. I wrapped myself in the blanket so my phone would not be visible (Even though none of the guys were looking anyway, they were far too in grossed with what was happening on TV.)

I decided to check through my twitter whilst scrolling through the most recent posts I saw a tweet which had only been posted two minutes ago:

'TheTideDrew Posted: So confused? This movie Is making no sense :('

I smiled knowing I wasn't the only one.

'LilyJones99 Posted: TheTideDrew I'm glad I'm not the only one, I think its about someone who is getting kidnapped? :/'

I looked up seeing Drew smiling at his screen.

'TheTideDrew Posted: Nope she's not getting kidnapped she got into that car willingly :)'

I smiled trying to stop myself from laughing.

'LilyJones99 Posted: You're right this is confusing, I knew we should have picked the film!'

'TheTideDrew Posted: I'd rather keep our excellent taste in movies to ourselves, it would make everyone jealous :)'

"Lily?" asked Levi

"Um Yeah" I dropped my phone into my lap and pretended to be sorting the blanket.

"Go make some more popcorn...Pleaseeeee"

"Fine" I walked out into the kitchen anything to get rid of seeing that movie. I started making the popcorn when Drew entered the kitchen behind me.

"You've escaped as well I see" I laughed and so did he.

"Yeah I thought I could maybe help you"

"Okay, Could you get me that bowl?" I asked.


As he handed it to me I looked up into his eyes. They always caught me off guard. I stared for a few moments and he stared back. We didn't break eye contact even when he stroked a piece of hair out of my face and tucked it behind me ear. I could stay like this forever I thought. But I was brought to reality when the microwave went off signalling the popcorn was done. Hastily I moved out of Drew's way and collected the popcorn pouring it into the bowl and walking back to the front room.

What was I thinking?

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