Chapter 1

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I have done this story from when Justin was younger for a reason... I hope you enjoy:)
Justin POV

My name is Justin Bieber. I am a 17 year old boy from canada ontario stratford. I moved to texas with my mum when i was 10 for reasons that have never been explained to me by my mum. I like to sing, read, play guitar and write songs and I am also famous. I have been for a year now. I am very funny as my friends say but shy when i meet new people. I still go to public school which a few of my friends think I'm crazy for, the things is I want to be able to keep some normality In my life. I have a few friends but one best friend his name is Austin Mahone i have known him basically my whole life our mums have been best friends since I moved here, as they were the neighbours that greeted us and made us feel at home since the beginning. He has a sister Cassie Mahone who is a year bellow us and but she's on the cheerleading team which automatically makes her popular and her boyfriend is Cody... Cody Simpson is the Captain of the Basketball team. I hate him so much. He's a lying bastard who's bullied me and Austin for years, even now I'm famous as well as him he still continues to bully us, I don't understand it sometimes, Austin is a rising singer through YouTube, he's been opening at my shows which is growing his fan base by the day.

Cassie's friend. Baliee Jonas is Nick Jonas, Joe Jonas and Kevin Jonas's sister they just moved here from new jersey. Kevin's not in school Joes the year above us. Nicks our age and so is his sister, everyone's been saying she adopted but I don't know how true that is.

As I hear my phone beep from a text from Austin it brings me back to reality, I read it and it said
'Just leaving left mine gonna pick your mum up for the spa with mine so I'll meet you at the mall bro'
I said bye to mum and let her know Austin was on his way and jumped in my Range Rover and drove the mall but I decided to take a trip to McDonald's to grab a milkshake banana to be exact, and a cheese burger as I was a little hungry.

When I arrived at the mall I parked up and saw Austin with Joe and Nick I walked over after I locked my car. We all Said hi and began to look around the shops.

Nick spoke up "so Justin" short and simple I guess. I looked at him "yea what's up dude" I looked closer at his face and saw he started smirking "my sister was saying that your her lab partner" hear we go again I nodded "yea it doesnt really bother me to be honsest i mean shes nice and all but shes a bit.."

Nick laughed "bitchy" I laughed as well "yeah that" Nick stopped and leant against the wall as we were waiting for Austin and Joe "she has reasons though bro"

Austin walked over, "sounds like she's been hanging with my sister. It probably rubed off on her mate. I apoligize now"

Nick laughed and looked at Austin "no man its something i dont think i can tell you a bit private "

I nodded realising he didn't want to talk about it "no its fine bro.... Wait weres joe"

As soon as I said that Joe walked over eating a burger "here i went to McDonalds i was starved"

I burst into laughter and looked at Joe"dude you just ate a full breakfast you can't be hungry" I said still laughing.

Nick rolled his eyes and laughed "yeah well if we wasn't at the mall and at my house he would have eaten the whole kitchen by now"

Me and Austin looked at each other and chuckled "you guys are so stupid.... You definatly fit in with us"

Nick looked at his brother and just shook his head, then he looked at me an Austin "so how long you two know each other"

"Like our whole lifes my mum and his mum are like best friends" I got interrupted by Cassie

"Sadly to long" Austin looked at her and rolled his eyes, she's never like this when she's at home she puts on this front when she's with people it just drives us crazy.

Austin sighed "what you want Cassie"

She was looking at some shirts and answered "a lift home with bailee"

Bailee looked at austin and battered her eye lids "you dont mind Austin"

"i dont have room in my car we came in separate cars and I have a load of shit I have unloaded plus I've gotta pick up mum and Pattie" Austin said annoyed, I nodded and remembered that mum had asked Austin a few days ago to drop her and his mum off and pick them up from the spa. She did ask me but I thought I was going to be in the studio, which until yesterday I didn't realise was tomorrow, Austin just agreed to do it anyways

Through out this conversation Nick was looking at bailee shook his head "wait bailee you have a car" he looked confused as did we all, she never went anywhere without driving her White Audi TT

Bailee answered with so much attitude, it made me think about why she's so horrible when her brothers are so caring and nice "its at home, why is any of your business anyways"

I decided to be nice and offer her a lift home "look i can drop you were ever you need"

She smiled and thanked me I looked at her brothers "wanna lift home"

They both nodded and said "pleaseeee" at the same time which made me chuckle. we all then began to walk to the car park

Austin spoke up as we was approaching the cars "I'm gonna go now guys" he turned to me and we did our secret handshake. He then goes to go and Nick and hugs them bye. "We can hang out tomorow yeah my house 11am don't be late

I pointed to austin "yeah sounds cool but don't forget we have to be at the studio buy 5" Austin nodded and put his thumb up Nick spoke up "cool i will see ya tomorow austin"

Austin shouted "yup buy guys." and with that he drove off leaving me with bailee, Nick and Joe

<<<In justins car after droping of joe and nick at theres hes taking baliee to her friends>>>

trying to drive was so hard when you have paparazzi following you 24/7 it drives me insane sometimes "for fuck sake" i mumbled and beeped my horn to make them move, it was worse this time because I had bailee in the car, someone I hadn't been seen with before and because it was a girl they went crazy.

"Justin"bailee said

I didn't want to look away from the road especially with the amount of paparazzi that was around "what's up"

"i am errr sorry i guess"she said I looked at her confused, with that I finally lost the group of paparazzi."for what" I chuckled a little.

"For me and Cassie's just busting over and interrupting your day with the boys"

I shook my head and laughed "it's fine we was leaving soon anyways Austin had to go pick up our mums from the spa so it doesn't matter" she smiled an nodded and looked at her phone, she looked so pretty her hair was long and curly and her lips where do plump and cute plus she was being so polite which I found confusing. I looked back at the road "you know what your not as bad as people make you out to be Jonas" I smirked at looked at her

She laughed "yea sure what ever you say bieber"

Baliee POV

God i have known cody for two days and he makes me get close to Justin Bieber. Just because cassie liked him about a year ago, i mean why me, gosh this better work. The plans to make him fall for me then cheat on him. And this isnt like any of the storys you read when the person being forced to fall in love with him suddey falls deep in love with them. I have done this to many of my brothers friends. 14 in counting justin would be my 15th. The sooner i do this the better my life gets.

Hope you enjoyed:)

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