Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Justin POV

I had shut myself out from the world. Twitter...Facebook...Instagram

I locked my self in my room just sitting in bed thinking.

That hand writing on that letter. It was Bailee I could tell a mile off.

I looked at my phone as Austin's name popped up

From: Austin

Picked Amiee up stopping to shop want anything?

I hadn't spoke to Austin since the hospital he had called, text, knocked but I couldn't face seeing him. The guilt was unbareable.

I decided to text him back and actually get ready I need to see Cassie but that's the only reason I'm actually getting out if bed and plus I want to see Amiee when she gets here I actually really missed her.


Cool man I'll be at hospital and um some ice cream or chocolate thanks

I jumped in the shower and changed into some jeans and a plain white shirt. I put on some Supras and text baliee

From Justin:

Meet me at the venue at 7:30pm need to talk to you

I looked at my phone and I saw it was 10:30am and I new I had a while before my meetings to rearrange the dates that I missed over the few months

I got in my car and drove to the hospital.

Cassie POV

Justin just walk in the room. How did I know..I heard his laugh. The laugh that sends me in a trance. I had come out of the dream but am stuck in this dark place. I don't know what was happening but I new I was still alive because I wouldn't have heard anything at all, the conversations doctors had, Austin, Pattie

"Hey cass"

His voice sounded broken. And I could tell he had been crying and I'm partly glad I was in this coma or what ever because I hated the way Justin's eyes were when he cried the passion and love vanished and changed into worry, guilt, sadness.

"I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry for everything. I realised it was Bailee and tonight I'm ending it with her because I can't stand to see you like this. Bailee is nothing to me anymore cass!"

If i wasn't in this Coma I would be jumping for joy and crying right now.

I felt Justin's hand hold mine

"Cassie you gotta wake up please"

He rubbed by hand

"Squeeze my hand if you can hear me anything you gotta wake up we need you"

I had to at least try. For Justin...

I squeezed his hand. It wasn't the strongest. To be honest it felt like a twitch but it was a sign.

"Oh my god cass! Do it again!"

I squeezed his hand a little tighter and this time I tried to open my eyes.

I opened them to see a scruffy young boy with wet hair, bags under his eyes and blood shot eyes


I question.. It didn't look like him at all! Boy can a few months change a person!

"Cassie! Your awake oh my god this is amazing I missed you so much!"

He hugged me tightly I tried to hug him back but my arms failed on me.

Justin called the doctor in telling them I was awake.

They came rushing in

"Miss Mahone! Your awake it's nice to meet you I'm Dr Osborne"


I managed to squeak out

"Why am I here"

I new full well why I was here I just wanted to we how badly it was. How close i was to ending all that pain how Bailee almost won. Which is that part that hurt me the most. I almost let her win!

That's something that's going to change!

"You cut your self and almost died from blood loss. Justin saved you by giving you some more blood.. He's basically your hero"

I looked at him in shock

"You saved me"

He held my hand again

"I'd do it a million times over to make sure your okay. To make sure I get to see that beautiful smile again"

I blushed and looked away back at the doctor

"Since you cut so deep the stitches went through a few layers of skin and muscles which means your arms will be really weak. Will give you pain relief and adrenaline to help your muscles move better and to stop the pain."

I smiled at him

"Thank you doctor"

I muttered out my throat still sore

"You gotta rest up okay don't talk to much your throat is going to be very dry"

"When can she leave"

Justin asking the question I was dying to know

"Well we got to keep you on suicide watch and then as soon as you start to move your arms better then you can go home so at the least 2-3 weeks time. Depending on how well you heal"

"Thank you doctor"

Justin spoke

"No problem I'll see you both later. I'll contact your family's letting them know"

"Thank you"

Justin said again

I was so happy to be awake. But I know me and Justin have a lot to talk about. And I have a lot of explaining to do. I just hope everyone understood why I did this.

Not to be cruel or horrible or ruin things but to end my pain. But I guess now Justin knows it was Bailee all that can end. Maybe I'll be happy.

Maybe I'll get my Best Friend back.

Sorry for the late update my exams have started so I have so much revision and work to do

But I hope you enjoyed it:)

Much love<3


'Best Friends' (Justin Bieber FanFiction) (uploading and editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora