Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

~2 months later~

Justin's POV

The doctors said that they were able to bring Cassie out of her coma.. A lot has happened since then...

I'm still with Bailee which Is crazy. And Austin has a new girlfriend.. She seems nice but I have only meet her like once or twice..

I layed in bed thinking about Cassie I do this most nights which leads to me not sleeping... Last night me and Bailee had sex.. Now I'm not going to say I didn't enjoy it and I'm not gonna say it was everything I dreamed it would be.. Because the weird thing is.. Is that all I could think about was Cassie..

And I have been having these weird ass dream.. (When I do sleep that is) that me and Cassie are married with kids.. I haven't told a soul about this.. It wouldn't end to well...

I looked over and Bailee. I smiled she is a little bitchy odd and annoying sometimes but there's something about her I can't seem to resist...

I hop out of bed leaving Bailee a note and I jump into the shower and get changed into a jump and some jeans.


I skipped breakfast as I wasn't that hungry so I walked to my car and started to drive to the hospital I just wanted to be with Cassie as soon as possible

Austin POV

I was sat in my room and I heard the door to the bus shut.

I sighed I bet Justin's going to see Cassie.. He's been going every morning at 6am it's a routine.

I got up and got ready. I jumped in the shower and changed into

I walked past Cassie's room and decided to go look inside. Nobody's been in here since the incident.

The cleaners cleaned the blood up but that about it.

I sat down on the bed and looked around. I saw a little book on the side.

I picked it up.

'Cassie's diary.. Keep out!'

This was her prised possession all her thoughts went into this book. I smiled at how full it was with paper hanging out and it was purple blue and black with pictures of her me justin and... Amiee.. I sighed I put it down and as I did a piece of paper fell out

"Justin will never like you you worthless piece of shit you think justin or austin will notice if you go! Do us all a favour and leave! Leave the earth.. Leave there life's... Or I'll do it for you!"

Tears fell down my face.. Somebody wrote this. To Cassie.. I placed it all back Where and how I found it and I saw Bailee at the door

"Austin have you seen justin"

I wiped my tears away and stood up

"Um he went to go see Cassie why"

She looked away

"Oh no reason I just needed to talk to him before he left... Can you drive me to the mall please"

"Okay I'm just about to go to the hospital anyway"

I grabbed my keys and I drove Bailee to the mall

Justin POV

I walked into Cassie's room and smiled she looked better... Not like she's dead like she's just sleeping her colour in her checks have come back as well..

Cassie's phone went off and I saw it was Amiee...

I smiled widely Amiee.. This is amazing I answered the phone

"Amiee omg it's really you!"

"Justin OMG i heard I had to call you I mean I didn't have your number or Austin's and Cassie's was on my moms phone I had to make sure she was okay Justin! how is she Justin is she okay!"

I laughed a little Amiee was always a worrier

"She's okay she's slowly coming out of her coma I'm getting her the best medical care there is she's been spoilt"

She laughed she new I always had a thing for Cass.

I looked over at the picture on her bed side cabinet of me Cassie austin and Amiee before our fame.. Cody.. High school we were all best friends and as soon as we became freshman's it all vanished.. I missed it

"Thank god she has you Justin! Listen what state you in"

"Alabama why?"

"I'm gonna fly out okay I need to be there for her I need to see her! Ill book the next fl...."

"No I'll get my jet over for you your not paying for a thing I'll get austin to pick you up.. I'll get Kenny to come with the jet tomorrow to meet you"

Me and Amiee became really close just before I became well known so she came to all my meeting and stuff so she's meet everyone already.

"Justin you can't do that!"

"Yes I can and I will okay I'll call them now okay!"


"No! Its okay really I'll text you the details on my phone okay incase Cassie wakes up ill keep you updated okay"

She sighed but I could tell she was a little happy I new her family had money problems.. She was so caring and always the for me before I had to help them out a little bit...

"Okay but I'll pay you back Justin!"

"No your not okay now I gotta go ill text you!"

I sighed with happiness.

This is going to make things so much better for everyone all we need now is Cassie to wake up.

Sorry for the late update I'm no holiday now so it'll be easier to update I hope you enjoyed this chapter thank you for the votes guys:)

Much love<3


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