Chapter 16

16 1 0

2 weeks later

Justin POV
After probably one of the worst nights sleep I've had a in while I decided to get out of bed and have a shower, I looked at my phone seeing the time 5am. I sighed and got out of bed going into my bathroom and having a shower, I'd normally play music but seeing as it was 5am I didn't want to wake everyone else on the bus. I got out of the shower and changed into a pair of sweats and a white shirt. I put my phone in my pocket and sneaked past Austin and Amiee's rooms trying to make as little noise as possible to get to the front of the bus. We had been stationed at a secret location until Cassie was able to come home, I had postponed 4 shows after everything that had happened, I couldn't cancel, I never have and I never will, it's the thought of letting all those fans down that kills me, scooter decided to add them in the middle of my months break in about 5 weeks time which I didn't mind because I love my job.
I have been flying to and from locations on my jet because there was a few shows I couldn't miss because we wasn't able to move them, so scooter has been traveling with the rest of the crew for the past 2 weeks on the buses while Mum Amiee and Austin have stayed here
Looking after Cassie and waiting till she can be realised. It was draining me, but I had to come back at night just in case anything happened it was the only way I'd feel comfortable with all this. The longest flight was 3 hours which wasn't to bad. My next show was in 3 days which meant I could catch-up on my sleep and see Cassie as much as I possibly could, I haven't seen her in about a week. With traveling so much it was so hard, but I Facetimed her and text her all the time. I decided I was going to go see her today, surprise her. I grabbed a bowl and had some cereal. By now it was 5:45 meaning mum should be up soon. She's in a different bus as all that was left in this bus was the bunks, and I didn't want her sleeping on those, so I just bought another bus until we meet up with scooter and the others again.
I heard the front door open and I was to busy looking at my phone, with pictures from the show the night before and looking at people's tweets. I smiled, but I still felt something empty in side me like something wasn't right. I know it's because Cassie isn't here
I felt a hand on my should I guessed it was mums and sighed.
"Why so down son"

I looked up at her and saw she looked possibly as drained as I did, she always saw Cassie as her daughter she never had and she was in just as bad as a state as I was at this point, Michele tried to stay and see Cassie but with her work being arseholes she couldn't get time off, also because she needed the money, but she trusted Mum to keep her safe, which is possibly why she's in the same state as me. I over heard her talking to Michele when she was here and it was so heartbreaking, she felt like she let her down which Michele disagreed with. She said to me before she left she's glad she has us because if she didn't then well who knows where she would be right now.

"I'm okay I'm just tired. I want this to all end Mum. I want Cassie here and I know everyone else feels the same" she sat opposite me and placed her hand on mine.

"Well the doctors have said it won't be to much longer but they can't realise her until they're 100% sure she's not going to try again" i shut my eyes. I didn't want to picture her in that state again. It made me feel sick to the stomach just picturing her laying on that floor. I gritted my teeth and opened my eyes and bit my bottom lip. I nodded and looked at Mum.

"I'm never leaving her side Mum. Never again, I can't see her like that again I can't" I let my tears I've been holding for so long slide down my face. I looked down and put my head in my hands.

"I know baby I know, but God is keeping her strong, you've got to trust his instinct, he has plans for Cassie I know it. Just be positive" she stood up and kissed my head I looked up and smiled at her, I looked at the time and saw it was 6am, even though I had a shower I was tired and I needed to catch up on all this sleep I've missed I told Mum I'd be in my room if she needed and she nodded. "Okay darling. Just have a rest, if anything changes I'll come and get you" I nodded and hugged her and walked towards my room.

I laid in bed and decided to text Cassie
(Justin is bold and Cassie is normal)

'Hey Cass, I've got a few things to catch up on but I'll be coming up later to see you, missing you so much ❤️'

I locked my phone and laid my head back. As my eyes were shutting i heard my phone buzz. I looked at the message and smiled.

'Hey Bieber, I cant wait to see you it's been crazy here, the doctor is coming to see me around 2pm if you wanna come up then and hear the update's that'd be cool. Missed you too buddie❤️'

I smile and replied

'That sound positive which I like to hear, and of course I will. I'm gonna do. A few things and I'll be up:)'

'Your probably just sleeping knowing you😂 which isn't a bad thing you need to catch up on some sleep, I'll text your mum to wake you up around 12, because we both know you'll sleep through any alarm'

I chuckled at how correct she was, she knows me better then I know myself

' very true cass😂 you know me far to well and okay Mahone I'll see you soon ☺️'

I then locked my phone and feel straight to sleep. This nap is so needed.


Hey guys so this was the next chapter I hope your enjoying it. I have a few questions to ask and id love to know what you think.

Q1) I want to add pictures to this fanfic. Now i have 2 people I want Cassie to portray. It's between Hailey Baldwin or Selena. I was thinking Selena only because this fanfic is based back in 2011-2012. But your the readers so who do you think Cassie represents more??

Q2) who do you want Amiee to portray? If you guys pick Hailey then my guess would be Kendall, but if you pick Selena then I'd think Id be more along the lines of Demi? These are just guesses.

option 1: Selena and Demi

Option 2: Hailey and Kendall:

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Option 2: Hailey and Kendall:

Like i said your the readers and it's up to you guys who you want to imagine when your reading the story

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Like i said your the readers and it's up to you guys who you want to imagine when your reading the story. (I'm picturing more of Hailey and Kendall) but you guys can pick. Let me know In the comments and I'll pick the most popular

Hope you enjoyed guys
Much love

'Best Friends' (Justin Bieber FanFiction) (uploading and editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن