Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Justin POV

I tapped my knee and waited for the doctor I needed to have some reassurance my best friend would live.. I need her.. I felt more tears spill down my face.. Why would she want to commit suicide.. I mean she's happy. Right... She should know I'm always there for here when she needs me. I looked around the room at everyone, I was at the back in the corner so i had a pretty good view.. Austin and Cassie's mum who by the way came back from her business trip as soon as she heard were in pieces I sent Kenny for Bailee I couldn't face the paparazzi at a time like this.. I had a funny feeling people would know though..

The doctor walked in and asked to speak to Austin and Michelle I sighed  when I got tapped on the shoulder it was a police officer

"Sir this was found at the scene it was addressed to you"

It had blood splats over it and I sighed

"Thank you officer"

He walked off and put a few more blood stained notes in the table she wrote letters to us all

I looked at the Letter it said

"Justin aka biebs <3"

I smiled as more tears feel down my face

"Hey biebs if your reading this then I'm gone for good.. Sounds odd right..

I'm sorry I just had to do this all the hate and lies and broke promises hurt me so much I mean I guess it's not your fault but yea.. I guess that's the way things are going to be.. I just want you to know I loved you so much your smile your big brown eyes your personality and just everything about you...

You was and are still a big part of my life.. I don't ever what you to forget me, I want you to know I did this because I couldn't take being in this much pain anymore.

I'll miss you best friend stay strong and I hope Bailee stays faithful...

I'll forever be looking down on you

I love you


I broke down and was shaking I couldn't say good bye so soon I need her I need to see her smile everyday and her beautiful personality I need my Cassie!

Austin came running to my side and hugged me

"It's okay Dude she's alive she's okay she's jut really low on blood"


The doctor spoke up

"She lost a lot of blood.. We need someone to give some blood but nobody matches her blood type.."

I smiled a little

"I do I'll give her as much as she needs"

"Are you sure sir"

"yes positive"

"Okay Bieber if you follow me we will get you prepared but I'm going to warn you it will be more then you think you will feel pretty weak for a day or so"

"Okay I kind of gathered by the amount of blood that was on the floor" i don't think I'll ever get that image out of my head.

I did one last tweet well twit-longer these doctors take to long so I figured I had to fill in my beliebers on what happened of course not all of the situation and details.

Dear my beliebers,

I wanna start by saying I'm sorry. I've had to move tomorrow's date of the tour due to my best friend Cassie Mahone being really ill and has been admitted to hospital. I won't be online either for a few dud as she needs to have a blood transplant and me being a match I have come forward to donate some of my blood.. I never got pressured to do this I was the first person to say I wanted to, I felt like I had to help some way and well I don't really want some dead guys blood in my best friends body so I decided I'd be the nice human being and do something good for once.. Keep her in your prayers each and every night through this recovery..

Spread the word guys love you all so much

Justin <3




I heard a knock at the door it was the doctors with the needles my mom came in with me.. And still no sign of Bailee.. But she's not really my main priority right now....I hope my best friend is okay.. I closed my eyes

"Right Justin were going to put you under for this you'll be okay don't worry"

"Okay doctor.. Mom please don't leave even when I'm under"

"I won't Justin I promise"

She kissed my head and grabbed my hand I sighed and started to cry a little

I felt the needle go in my arm I winced and felt my body go numb.

"I love you Cassie"

Then it went all black

I hope you enjoyed:) I'll post Another chapter soon.. Sorry for the late post had exams.. And I had a thought anybody want to be Austin's girlfriend just tell me your name age and features and I'll pick:) thanks guys



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