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There's no way in hell I'm going back to the Brook's house after what happened between Jai and I. Let me throw you back to what happened that night;


"Please, I'm sorry."

I don't know what to say or think anymore. He said the word sorry for the millionth time tonight. Part of me wanted to give up and give in, and forgive him but another part of me is too stubborn. And I chose my ego. Pathetic, isn't it? 

I honestly thought he's going to give up and leave the goddamn apartment like he always does in our previous arguments, but he didn't. He stayed, and still hold onto me, not wanting to let go of me. I stopped crying and thank God, my breathing is already stable. But, my whole body froze when his hand is placed on my back, caressing it slowly, calming me down.

"Tell me, August. Tell me what I have to do to fix your heart that I broke for 2 years or possibly more." I caught-off guard. I opened my mouth and nothing came out. "I won't leave until you tell me what I have to do."

"Who do you truly love, Jai? Ariana or the new girl that you're seeing?" I asked and he cleared his throat. "Honestly." I added.

"A-ariana.." That's it. I cried, again. "Let go of me and leave." I said coldly. He didn't let go, instead, he hugged me tighter.

"I said let go of me, Jai, because I swear to G-" He cut me off. 

"What will you do?" I blinked a few times because I honestly don't know what I will do. I just cleared my throat and as soon as I saw his hand let loose, I quickly escaped from his grip and yes, I finally succeeded. 

This time, he didn't even grab me like what he did earlier. He let me go and I sat further away from him. What he say next is too heartbreaking and painful that my brain can't even process.

"I'll leave, just so you won't be sad anymore."

End Of Flashback

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my phone ringing. I looked at the caller ID and it is Harry. I picked it up and said hello first.

"Yo, I'm already here in Melbourne. Where you at?" I always forget Harry is American and not Australian. "In my apartment, boy. Just take a taxi and tell him the address and get your ass here." I said and he laughed. I miss him so much. 

"Someone's eager." He joked. "Eager to whoop your ass so get your ass here now." He laughed once again and ended the call.

I looked at the time and it's already 2 in the afternoon so I quickly put on something comfy to wear before he reaches. I sat at the balcony and looked at the sky. It's sunny here in Melbourne and I'm looking at the sky. What the hell am I doing with my life?

Twenty minutes had passed and I heard the doorbell rang. I quickly ran to the door and opened it to reveal Harry. 

I pulled him in quickly and hugged him. "I fucking miss you."

"You said it as if I'm your boyfriend." He said and I snuggled into his neck. "Just act it as if I'm your girlfriend this whole time." I said and he chuckled. 

"Been doing that for the past few months." He said. "Good. Sorry that I'm a bad girlfriend." I said and he laughed loudly. He closed the door behind me and then carried me to the couch. 

"How's life for you?" I asked and he raised his left brow. "Did you eat any medicines?" He asked and now I'm the one raising my left brow.

"BOi..." He suddenly plopped on the couch that I am sitting on. "I'm tired, you know."

"With?" He asked. "You." I said and he widened his eyes. 

"HOW DARE YOU." I laughed loudly and hit his head with a pillow. "I'm tired of him." I said finally and his face softened. "Enough. Let's cuddle. I miss my cuddling buddy." He said and I laughed. 

I showed him his room and he placed his luggage inside and came back to the living room. I placed my head on his shoulder and let out a loud sigh causing him to ask me whether I'm okay or not.

"Is this how love feels?" I asked and he rubbed my shoulder. "Does love really hurts? Why is it so fucking painful, Harry?" I asked once more and he sighed. "It's painful, isn't it? I'm feeling the same thing, August." I quickly hugged him when he said that and apologized.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He caressed my hair and planted a small soft kiss on my forehead. "He came over, didn't he?" Harry suddenly asked causing me to froze. "How did y-" He cut me off. "You wouldn't be clinging onto me for no reason. There must be a reason why you're behaving like this. So spill. What did he do?" Maybe I should fall for Harry instead of falling for Jai.

I told him about what happened that night and the next thing Harry did is he just holds me in his arm for God knows how long. "You know. I've never believe in love at first sight. But god damn, the first time I met you, I never thought I would fall for you this hard. Till this day, August, I'm still in love with you. Yet the saddest part is, you don't love me back. And instead, you love someone who doesn't deserve your love." He said and caressed my cheek. "I'll be in my room." He stood up, and left, leaving me speechless.

For fuck sake, August Blair Williams. Why are you doing this to yourself? Why do you keep giving him high hopes? Jesus fucking Christ, I never thought I'm able to hate someone so much and that person is my own damn self. I lay down on the couch and placed both of my hands on my face while groaning due to frustation.

I think I'm already inside the fucking grave if my life keeps continuing being this way. Get a fucking life, August.

Unbroken // Jai Brooks FanficWhere stories live. Discover now