Chapter 4: Music to my ears

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'What? I'm all alone now? Ugh. Exploring does sound fun though...' You think to yourself as you get up from your chair. You slip out of the dining room and wander aimlessly down the halls. You find yourself going towards another upstairs and trip over a few stairs on the way up. "I'm so clumsy.." You whisper to yourself. You finally make it up the stairs and sit down. After taking a short break you get back up and skip through the halls. You were about to pass a door when all of sudden your feet were in the air and your face close to the ground. You closed your eyes tight and held your breath. You waited for the impact but it never came. You opened one of your eyes and found a guard holding the back of your shirt, protecting you from the fall. He set you back on your feet and smiled at you.
"Wow uh you appeared out of no where. Thanks?"
He nodded and snapped back into his statue-like phase.
You stared at him for a few moments before continuing to skip carefully. You found yourself entering a room with a piano and you frowned. You remember when you were little, your parents forcing you to take lessons. You held your breath and walked slowly over to the large instrument. You ran your hands over the dusty keys and sat down on the stool. You tapped a key and flinched when it made a noise. 'No,' you told a yourself. 'This piano doesn't have blood stains on it...there isn't anyone here to boss you around and judge you.'
You take a deep breath and try to remember your lessons. You shrug and put your fingers down on the keys.
The melody started off slow, and sad, like the first part of your life. It then turned into a faster beat, showing the excitement you've had without your parents, with anyone to tell you what to do.
Someone began clapping from behind you. "You are full of all sorts of surprises aren't you doll!"
You turn around to find a grinning Joker. Clapping his hands and shaking his head. A blush creeps up on your face and you shake your head. "I-I didn't see you there."
He chuckled." Well obviously otherwise you would've stopped playing."
You decide to change the subject. "Where did you go? You weren't gone for that long..."
He laughed loud and wiped at his eyes. "Dear I was gone for 3 hours?"
3 hours? I didn't think I was playing for that long...
He walked over from the door and sat on the piano so he was above you and in front of you. "So...tell me what you did while I was gone. I bet you were dying without me." He added a wink and you rolled your eyes.
You tell him everything, and when you got to falling down and the guard catching you...
"What?" He said quietly.
"What what?" You asked, obviously confused.
"What did you say earlier?" He asked, his voice becoming more serious.
"Umm one of the guards caught me?" You say, hoping that was the right answer.
"Hold on doll I'll be right back. Stay here." He ordered.
He left the room quickly, drawing out a knife as he did so.
Your eyes were wide. 'No no no no don't kill the man!! Like hell I'm going to sit here and do nothing!' You start to chase after him, trying to remember where you fell. You spot a shimmer of green and run towards it.
"Wait! Where are you going?!" You yell, not even looking where you're going, you run into someone. You look up and see the guard. He has a weird smile on his face and looks down at you.
'Why is he looking at me like that?' You hear a growl beside you as you are ripped from the guards grip and thrown behind Joker.
"What do you think you're doing?" He asked.
The guards face expression didn't change. Nor did he answer.
Joker was becoming irritated and he growled even more. "I asked you a question you idiot. You know what? Forget it." He muttered as he plunged the knife into the guard's throat.
You flinched as his body fell to the ground and blood pooled around the lifeless man.
Joker turned to you. "I thought I told you to stay in the room!" He yelled.
You shrunk down and yelped in fear. "I...I"
"You what?! I thought I told you you'd get into trouble if you didn't behave?"
You shook with fear and you nodded.
He let out a shaky breath and shook his head. "Just forget it." He stormed off angrily and left you by the dead body.
You gagged as you took another glance at the body. "I'm sorry..." You whispered. Unaware of what to say.
~woohoo! Author Magic time skip to night~
You lay in your bed and stare at the ceiling, questions running through your head.
'Is he still mad? Maybe I should go and see him. But what if he wants to be alone? Why did he kill that guard? Was it because he caught me? Did he want me to fall? Is it my fault the guard died?' You sigh and roll over in your bed. You haven't eaten since lunch and your stomach yelled at you. You halted at your stomach. "Shut up!" You whispered. It yelled at you again and you sighed. "I guess I do need food, I am talking to my stomach after all..."
You tipped toed out of your room and began exploring for the kitchen. You remembered passing it somewhere...after a good few minutes you finally found the kitchen. You sighed in relief and looked in the fridge. You grabbed an apple and sat on the counter.
You took a large bite and chewed slowly, trying to process things. "Maybe I should go check on him..." You whispered. You hopped off the counter and went through the halls looking for The Joker's room.

Hey guys. Anyway I hoped you liked this Chapter! I try and update everyday so maybe I'll write another Chapter tonight if you guys really liked it!? I love your feedback so please feel free to tell me anything. I apologize right now, I normally don't re-read over my stuff, so sorry if there is some grammar issues. This was a long Authors note so I'll leave it at this. Bye bye now!!😉

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