Chapter 19: Missing

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*Joker POV*

I finished him. He wouldn't be saying anything for a while...

I ran upstairs quickly. I needed to check on her. She looked so drained.

I ran down the hallway and sprinted the rest of the way to her room. I checked my hair with a mirror and winked at my reflection.

"Damn...I still got it." I told myself.

Right. (Y/N).

I knock on the door. Haha jk no I don't.

I twist the knob and find it a surprise to find it locked. I sigh and kick open the door.

I hear a little yelp and I smirk.

I follow the yelp into her closet...and,

"Oh shit sorry." I say quickly as I see her slipping on a pair of underwear, too slow in my opinion.

She bites her lip nervously and nods. "It's alright."

I walk over to her, giant steps at a time, and stop as I stand right in front of her. I tower over her and breathe in her shampooed hair.

She takes in a shuddering breath and wraps her arms around my body.

Her weight slams against me and I sit there for a few seconds...

Was she...hugging me?

I wrap my arms around her slowly and rest them on her lower back. I rest my head on hers and take a deep breath.

She cries and I feel her tears streaming down my stomach. I wasn't wearing a shirt...I forgot it downstairs. It was too bloody.

She continues to cry and I rub her back reassuringly.

She pulls back too sudden and catches me off guard.

Her body peels off of mine and she takes all the warmth.

(Y/N) looks up at me with red, puffy eyes. "S-Sorry! I didn't mean to do was so sudden and sorry and oh god."

Why was she apologizing?

Did she not like hugs?

Hugs are weird...but if it's her hugs then nothing will stop me from taking all the hugs I can get.

I didn't realize I was just sitting there until I snapped back into reality and realized she was laying on the bed, curled up into a ball.

I walked over to the other side of the bed and lay down with her.

She was so tiny. A small fragile girl next to me, but she was so strong at the same time. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me.

I played with her hair and memorized the breaths she took while she drifted off into sleep.

Oh god...

I can't lose this not girl. She's never just a girl. She's so much more...but at the moment. She's mine.

*Your POV*

You wake up and frown as you realize there isn't anyone next to you.

No, not just anyone. Joker. Where was he?

You slowly get out of bed and smile as you recall to yourself what happened before you fell asleep.

The hug. You crying and him comforting you with silent strokes down your back. Him playing with your hair.

It felt...nice.

It's a short chapter. Sorry!! How'd you like the chapter?
Hope you have a great day,
And as always, I will see you, in the next chapter!!


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