Chapter 10: Your fault?!

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Shit this is late. Sorry. All you fans out there this song is amazing and it's one of my favorites. ON WITH THE STORY!!! |-/

*Your POV*
You swing your fist at Victor and snarl. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!" You scream without realizing how mean you sounded.
Victor shrunk down even farther, staring at something in your eyes. You looked into his eyes and saw something you never meant to cause, fear.
You put your clenched fists by your side and let out a shaky breath. "Victor...I don't like that. You're like a brother to me."
Victors winced. Oops. Did you just say those words? Oh well.
"I-I'm so sorry (Y/N). I didn't know what came over me. I mean, anyone would fall for you. Who wouldn't?"
You ignored his words and picked up Travis. You walked out of the room angrily, slamming the doors on your way out. I need Joker. I need to make sure he's alright. I need to explain. You find Jokers room and give it a small knock.

There's a grunt then a sigh. Nothing else.

You sigh and put Travis down, who bounces happily at the door. You look back up and the door swings open. You swallow the lump in your throat and chills run down your spine.

"What the hell do you want?" He snarled angrily.

You look at the Joker and frown. His words send fear through you. He's never been like this with you before. "I wanted to explain what was going on earl-"
You flinch as the door slams in your face and he yells, "FUCK OFF!"
You silently hold in your tears and run back to your room.

You sit on your bed, holding your knees close to your chest. Your chest rises up and down as you try to find a pattern in your breathing.
It's my fault. You tell yourself. No, not my fault. It's Victors fault. You sigh and decide not to blame anyone at the moment. A tear secretly slides down your cheek as his words ring over and over in your head. Fuck off. Your heart stung. Why was he acting this way...?

*Victors POV*
(SAYYY whhhaaat??? Something new??! Ooh)
I punched the bag over and over again. Stupid. Selfish. Idiot. Now (Y/N) and J were mad at me. God how could I be so stupid! I thought it was obvious I liked her! I tried to throw hints but she was to distracted him. I threw another punch and groaned. I should have waited. I should have gotten the girl. I should have done everything differently. It's all my fault.

*Your POV*
Your stomach growled and you cursed. Where the hell was that ice cream when you wanted it? You decide to sneak out of your room and take a break from moping. You enter the kitchen quietly and open the fridge door. You grab some ice cream and a spoon and eat your feeling away. You soon found yourself crying while eating. God I'm such a girl. You snorted. You got some dog food for Travis and started to  put everything in a bag. You felt someone's strong hands push you to the floor.

*Jokers POV*
Damn straight I pushed her.

Right onto the ground. I tried not to wince when she let out a small cry of surprise and fell to the cold, solid ground.

"Oops. " I said quietly before turning on my heel and taking the ice cream. It took all of my will power to not rush to her side and help her up and shower her with kisses.

I was still pissed. She betrayed my trust. I had these weird feeling things. My stomach was weird all the time and my cheeks got warm when she got too close. I didn't understand it. So I did what I do best.

Push them away.

Short chapter yay!!!! No? Yeah that's what I thought. I am really sorry guys. I'm so busy with school and stuff. I mean, I have a crush now!!?! Whaaaat? Anyway, I am so sorry that is no excuse. Don't hate me!!!!( ゚д)I promise to update twice tomorrow with extra long chapters!!! I am really sorry again for the inconvenience and I'm really tired so as always, I will see you I. The next chapter. BYEEEEEE

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