Chapter 9: It's not what it looks like

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Pssst you should totally check out the video. ψ(`∇')ψ

*Jokers POV*
I was proud. It took me a couple years to learn everything and (Y/N) managed to do it all in a week. Even if we had to do some revisions, it all worked out, and now my sweet, sweet doll is going to rob her first bank. I wiped away a fake tear and grinned to myself. Tonight we let the kitten fight.

*Your POV*
You zip up your boots and walk out of your room. You smiled wide, trying to grasp whatever confidence you had. You felt pretty bad ass right now. It was currently 11:30. You had half an hour to go over the plan again and give yourself your last mental speech. Or at least that was your plan until Joker came into your view, hopping up and down.
"Oh yay! Today doll you get to-" he stopped jumping up and down suddenly and whipped his head behind him. His shoulders tensed up as Victor came into your vision, he was carrying all of your supplies, and let's just say he looked pretty hot when he showed off skin. His stomach was tan, packed with abs, and boy they were absolutely ab-mazing. (Hehehe puns)
Joker saw your stare and grunted. "Victor what the hell? I told you to put the supplies in the truck, not dump it near (Y/N)'s room."
Victor grinned at you and winked. "Okay, I'll be back."
You started laughing. What? You couldn't help it. You knew Joker didn't like having a rival but this was hilarious.
Joker spun around and looked at you with a blank face. "Why are you laughing?"
You shrugged. "Maybe I'm happy."
Joker smirked. "Sure. Let's go with that for now."
You chuckled and shrugged.
|time to leave|
"Let's go! Come on hurry up!" You whined.
Joker and Victor scowled as you hopped into a van and dragged them along. "You have to teach me how to do these things!"
They both groaned as you shut the back and sat on the floor, looking up at them with shiny, bright eyes.
"Fine." Joker grunted.
You clapped your hands quickly and jumped up and down in your spot. "Okay, so when I get out of the van what do I do?"
He sighed and handed you a mask. "You put this on first."
You nodded, suddenly filled with excitement.
"Okay, then what."
"Then," Victor said, clicking his tongue. "You barge in through the doors with the crew. You're being in charge of getting the money to the back of this van-"
"And we can take care of the rest doll. Shoot anyone if you need to." He interrupted Victor. He handed you a gun and winked. "Don't be afraid to use it."
You frowned. "I don't think I'll need to..." You whispered. 
You arrived at the bank and slid out of the back. You stood behind Joker as he blew up the front entrance. You sighed. He always had to start with a bang huh?
You flinched a little as gun shots went off and you sneaked to the vaults room. You quietly entered the code and opened the giant door.
You were greeted by tons of bags and bars of gold.
(I don't work at a bank, and I have never seen behind vaults so just roll with it😂)
You knocked on the wall and it fell down. You didn't question it but you began grabbing bags of money and throwing it over your shoulder, ignoring the increasing pain in your shoulder. Something black swooshed by and your body tensed up. Joker had told you what to do. You ignored it and kept walking toward the van. You loaded the bags and turned around. There he was. Batman. The supposed hero of the city. You pretended to look saved and filled with relief. You heard a click behind you.
Get into character.
You ran up to Batman. "Please!" You pleaded. "He's making me stay with him and do his dirty work." You cried. "It's terrible. I-I can't take it anymore. Please. Please help. "
Batman looked at you with concern and his body softened a little.
There. Good girl. Now get him to lead you away.
You nodded to yourself. "C-can you take me somewhere safe?"
He nodded and started taking you past the truck.
That was when Joker attacked. You ran into the van and closed the doors. You heard Joker laugh wildly as he hopped in the front seat and yelled "DRIVE!"
You looked out the small window and saw Batman standing there growling. There was a guilty feeling in your gut as you drove away. You pushed the feeling away and sat down. You chose this and it didn't feel that bad...
~Back at the Mansion~
Joker opened a bottle of champagne and Victor stood in the corner of the kitchen with a beer, staring at you.
"Happy, happy days doll! I am so so proud. You did very well."
You sunk down in your corner. "I only grabbed 4 bags..." You mumbled.
Joker shrugged. "And I got punched by Batman. But you don't see my sulking in a corner. Now get your ass up and let's celebrate!"
"I don't wanna get up..." You whispered.
"We brought presents." Victor said lamely.
You shot up out of your corner. "Presents!?!"
Joker giggled. "Yes. Yes we got you presents. Now open mine first! It's that one right there."
He pointed to a box with a bow on the counter that wasn't there before.
You excitedly ran over to the box, carefully taking off the bow and unwrapping the box. The lid moved a little and you looked at Joker with a curious look.
"Go on. Open it!" He ushered.
You slowly lifted the lid and gasped loudly. "OH MY GOD A LITTLE CORGI. AHHH!!" You screamed.
A grin spread across the Jokers face as you picked up the puppy and put it on the floor.
Victor has a smile on his face. "That's a cute name."
You were too busy with Travis to notice his comment. "Aww you're such a cute puppy! Such a cute lil chubby puppy!!"
Travis wagged his tail happily and laid down on his back. You scratched his stomach and giggled. "I've wanted this dog for so long! How did you know?" You asked Joker happily.
He shrugged. "It's a secret."
You rolled your eyes. He totally read your diary. You had a diary? Yes. It may have been from when you were 16 but nothing has changed a lot since then until you met J.
You looked at Victor and he pointed to a small box beside Jokers giant one. You stood up and Travis ran to Joker. Jumping at his feet. Joker jumped back, obviously afraid of Travis.
"(Y/N) IT'S LICKING ME!!!" He yelled.
You laughed and grabbed Travis. "Travis. Don't be so scary!!" You teased.
Joker let out a mad sigh and frowned. "Just open his present already. So I can show you Travis' stuff."
You quickly unwrapped the box and smiled when you saw a small bow inside. You put it in your hair and smiled bigger. "It's lovely Victor thank you." You gave him a hug and he patted  your hair.
"Your welcome." He whispered in your ear.
It sent shivers down your spine and you pulled back to go tackle Joker. You kept on him, causing him to fall to the floor and you clung to his chest. "Thank you." You whispered in his ear.
His hands fell on your back, drawing you closer. "You're welcome." He whispered back.
~a couple hours later~
You find yourself in the music room again, with Travis, running your hand elegantly over the keys. Travis looks at you happily wagging his butt. You smile at him. He's so adorable. His legs are so fat and short. His body is like a giant marshmallow. You giggle, looking at your new best friend. You've always wanted a dog. No, you've always wanted a CORGI!!! They were so adorable you've always wanted one.  You began to play the piano, your hands did all the work, and you ran through your thoughts. Trying to process what you've become. You weren't a monster, not yet.
Someone knocked on the door interrupting your thoughts and your hands slammed on the keyboard, destroying the masterpiece you were creating.
"Sorry." Victor said quietly.
You shook your head. "It's alright. I was just playing randomly."
Victor nodded. "It was beautiful."
You felt a blush creep up on your cheeks. "Thanks."
Victor sighed and walked closer to you. "(Y/N), oh god how do I say this..."
You looked up at him innocently. "What do you mean?"
"" You mocked, snickering.
He looked at you with a serious face, shutting you up. "Over this past week, I've felt strange. I don't normally feel this way. Hanging around you, I felt nervous. You were this giant ball of sunshine logging my way through the darkness."
You sat there, shocked. What did he say?
"What?" You said quietly, almost a whisper.
He put one leg down so he was at your level. He put his hands on your face, bringing your face closer to his.
You were in shock. You couldn't move. You couldn't breath. Everything was happening in slow motion. You began to freak out, but Victor pulled your face towards his and you scrunched up your nose, before pulling away from the kiss.

*Jokers POV*
I lay on my bed. I had to tell her how I felt. She could help me with these feelings. I feel like I know her enough now. I can trust her. I smiled to myself. When I'm around her I feel normal. She makes me happy. Her smile can light up a room, her smile fills up my heart with joy. I hopped off my bed. I heard the piano playing earlier so I suspected she'd be in the music room. I slicked back my hair and opened my door heading towards the room. Confidence rose up inside me as I got closer to the music room I turned the corner and saw Victor in the room, kissing (Y/N). My heart dropped in my chest and shattered to a million pieces. Anger rose up inside me as (Y/N) pulled back and looked up, seeing me. I growled and ran to my room, ignoring her calls for my name. I slammed my door as hard as I could. I could hear the wood splintering. I payed no attention to it and locked it. I flopped on my bed, and screamed. Nothing could compare to the pain I was going through right now. Someone grabbed my shattered heart, and threw it on the ground stomping over and over again. No one would love me anyway....I'm just a freak show behind a mask. I'm just The Joker...

*Your POV*
Earlier you said you weren't a monster yet...but now you aren't so sure anymore....

Okay! Hey guys. Sorry this update was late, it was harder to write more since I'm used to only doing half of this. I'm not so sure about my updating schedule anymore because I have a new story I'm working on! I'm very excited to publish the firsts chapter but I want this new story to be perfect! So I'm guessing I will publish it sometime today or tomorrow. I will try and update one of my stories everyday, but I'm not sure which one. Anyway I hope you liked this longer chapter! Also! If you weren't sure what a puppy Corgi looks like there will be a picture below. Bye byeee now!!😉

 Bye byeee now!!😉

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