Chapter 24: Twisted Emotions

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Your pov-
You began to turn the corner when you heard yelling from the other room. Your heart began racing as you slid to the next wall and hugged it as you slowly inched towards the door where the yells were coming from.

You sulked closer to the door and peaked inside. There were two dark figures you couldn't quite make out and you suddenly cursed silently as you wished they had turned at least some light on or opened a window.

You jumped as your eyes adjusts to the lights and you heard a loud crack.

Joker was there, his arm extended as if he had just punched the shit out of the man. The man had wipe his mouth and you felt your heart stop.

You couldn't move. You couldn't react as the two threw punches and kicks as they both tried to reach for their weapons somewhere hidden in their clothes.

Joker had reached behind his back and fumbled with something before pulling out a gun. The man had just enough time to do the same.

Something in your mind snapped. You stepped into the doorway without thinking and stood there. You didn't have any weapons on you. There was nothing near you, but you stepped in nonetheless. You would just have to attack with your bare hands as your friends had first taught you.

You had a slight advantage as his back was facing towards you and his attention was on Joker.

You kicked the back of his leg and he stumbled a bit, as he shot the bookshelf behind Joker.

His head snapped toward you and he snarled.

You gasped at his ugly appearance.

He had an eyepatch over his eye and was missing a few teeth. He had a scar that ran from the top of his forehead down to his chin as if someone had tried to split open his head before

Your attention went to the gun in his hand and you only had a split second to dodge out of the way before he brought his hand up and aimed.

You rolled toward the Joker and put a hand lovingly on his face. He smiled at you and brought up his gun. He shot the ugly man in the back and he slumped down.

You smiled at him and kissed his forehead.

He smiled back at you but noticed something out of the corner of his eye.

"(Y/N) I love you." He whispered before turning his body in front of yours and you sat there shocked for a minute.

You noticed the blood beginning to pool out of his shirt. You screamed.

" no no. J. J!? What the hell please..." you whispered as you gripped on his shirt and tried to stop the blood, only to have it all over you and your dress.

You heard a voice different than Jokers say, "He....deserved... it you.... whore." The man spat.

You got up angrily, suddenly feel a rush of sadness and anger shoot through you as you grabbed a fireplace poker and pushed it down with all your strength through his eyepatch.

You let go of the fireplace poker when you heard the wood sigh underneath his head.

Your hands shook as you turned around and fell towards the Joker.

You lay there, your white sun dress now drenched in blood, your hands shaking as you stroked his face.

He was pale. Perhaps paler than he'd ever been.

A tear slid off your cheek and onto his face and your buried your head in between his neck and shoulder, trying to cling to the scent of him.

You broke out in sobs and lay there crying, nothing left in your gut but rage, sorrow, horror. A gut of twisted emotions.

The End.

So.....yup. That was it. That's the end. It wasn't very long sorry. I lost interest in writing this and just don't have the motivation to really write this anymore.

I kinda want to write another fanfic, but it'd be less sad 😂. Any suggestions?

Well, now you get why the story is called Twisted Emotions? Hehhh??? Sorry. Yeah I'm terrible. Hope you enjoyed it. I'll see you guys later.


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