Chapter 12: Who is it?

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This is one my favorite songs too^^ check it out :P

*Your POV*
You look at Joker frown. He gives you a small smile and eats the ice cream off your spoon, before running to the door to check who it is.
You gasp and look at your empty spoon. "You little brat!" You snarl. You scoop another spoonful of ice cream and shovel it into your mouth quickly. Flavored fill your mouth, sweet, sweet ice cream. How long you've been waiting for this...

Joker looks through a hole and puffs his breath. "What do you want Sebastian?" He tells angrily.

"Oh I'm sorry sir! I mean. Mr J! Or uh. You got a call-"

Joker snarled, obviously getting angry with the boy on the other side of the door. "Sebastian is this more important than (Y/N)?"

Sebastian didn't answer at first. A few seconds later you heard a small. "No..."

Joker smiled. "Good boy. Now go away and don't bother us again." He turned around and smiled at you. "Sorry. Did you eat some? You never get the chance."

You nodded your head and yawned even tho you weren't tired. "I wanna watch...a movie."

Joker nodded and turned on his Tv. "What movie?"

You shrugged. "A scary movie." You give him a 'spoopy' look and he rolls his eyes at you.

"Whatever. Let's see..."

You toe continue scrolling down through movies making fun of the titles. You finally find a decent movie and you set the ice cream by the bed, after eating half of it already. You snuggle under the blankets and you see Joker throw his shirt on the floor and slip under the covers with you. There's at least room between you because his bed is frickin huge.

The movie starts and you huddle closer to Joker. You hold your breath and try not to jump at an upcoming jump scare. You hear the creepy music...dark gold your breath and BAM JUMP SCARE.

You jump anyway, and lean closer into Jokers arms. He puts his arms around you protectively and holds you close.

"Don't worry." He whispers in your ear. "I'll keep you safe."

You snort, but don't move out of his hold. His warmth is oddly comforting and you like it. You close your eyes and fall asleep I his arms.

*Jokers POV*
Shit. I can't move my arms.

What? I held her and now she fell asleep. I guess I'm just that comfortable. I laugh to myself quietly. Careful not to wake her up. I kiss her head and bury my nose in her hair.

She smells of coconuts and flowers. I nuzzle the back of her neck and take in the sight of her. She really is beautiful. No matter how many times I tell her, she just disagrees and looks away.

I turn the tv off and lay in bed beside her. She shuffles in her sleep and whispers something.

"No no." She whispers. I feel my body tense up, as if she was having a bad dream. I notice the smile on her face mad my body relaxes again. "No your mine and no one can take you from me..." She whispered again.

After that, she continued to snore softly. She didn't talk for the rest of the time she slept. I wonder who she was talking about...

*Victors POV*
I haven't seen her in a couple days. I have Travis with me at the dog park. He hates me.
I don't understand why. I love dogs.

Travis is different though. He runs around by himself, and when his fat little legs can't take it anymore, he collapses on the ground and rolls over and over. It's cute. I tried to pet him. He growled.

I wondered how she was going. I heard from Sebastian he was with her, taking care of her. She wasn't sick was she? I just thought she went out and drank.

I needed to get things off my mind. I put Travis on his leash and started to walk out of the park and to the bakery. Maybe if I give Travis a treat he'd like me.

I walk into the bakery and notice a thin woman standing behind the counter. She looks a lot like (Y/N). Same beautiful hair, piercing (eye colour) eyes. I stare at her in awe.

"May I help you?" She asks politely.

"You're (Y/N)'s Mom."

*Your POV*
When You woke up, he was gone.

You stretched and yawned lazily. How long have I been asleep? You ask yourself. You shrug and sit in the bed. Jokers bed. You slept with Joker. But didn't wake up with him... You two slept together. Again. Just slept...and did some cuddling, but you were in the same bed as The Joker more than once.

You giggle and smile to yourself. I really am special. You slid out of the sheets and walked around his room, looking for him.

You look all over the room but don't find anything. You sigh and sit back on the bed. You hear a crinkle as you sit down and you immediately jump back up.

You find a crumbled note behind you.

My dearest (Y/N)
It has been brought to my attention something important has popped up. Please stay inside the house. Feel free to take Chloe with you around the house. I hired a maid and thought you two could be friends or whatever. Anyway I'll be back soon. Don't do anything wild, again.

Chloe? Who the hell was that. You shrugged and walked out of the room, heading back towards your room for some clothes.

You get to your room and open the door. You jump and your instincts kick in. You clench your fists and flip into fighting mode. You lower your fists as you see a little girl around the age 10-11 cleaning your room.

"Oh." You say quietly.

She curtsies and smiles at you. "Hello! I'm Chloe! It's so nice to meet you Miss. I am going to be here for a while and I've already laid out and outfit for you!"

You smile kindly at the little girl and casually walk into the room. You glance at the out for she's prepared and you frown. You see a light blue summer dress that stops at your knees and flows loosely. "Umm Chloe..?"

She looks up at you and smiles brightly. "Yes Miss?"

"You can call me (Y/N). And ummm I don't think I'd wear that..."

She blushes. "Oh! Oh I'm so so sorry. I thought you'd look pretty in it. I'll find something else for you!!!" She ran into the closet and brought out a casual black outfit and you smiled.

"Thanks Chloe. Much better." You gave her a friendly wave before you walked into the bathroom to change.

*Jokers POV*
"How the hell is she alive?" I snarled angrily.

"I don't know!" Victor yelled back. "I saw her at the bakery. It was exactly like the photo you sent me!"

I sighed. I couldn't let (Y/N)'d break her. "Alright, I'm almost there. Hold on."

I got out of my car and crossed my fingers. Please don't be her....please. I opened the doors to a small bakery and walked in, to be greeted by who?

The one and only, (Y/L/N) family.


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