Chapter 5

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"So, everything's sorted with you and Harry now?" I asked Lilly after college as we sat in her room.

"Yep. I can't wait for them to come back."

"Me neither." I replied and we both sat in silence as we imagined the day they'd arrive at the airport. Lilly's mum opened the door to Lilly's bedroom and came in, interrupting our daydreams.

"Yes, okay I'll pass you over." Said Lilly's mum Vannessa into the house phone.

"Who is it?" Lilly whispered as her mum handed her the phone.

"Layla!" Vannessa hissed.

"OMG LAYLA?!?" Lilly screamed down the phone.

"Is this the Layla I know?" I asked. Lilly nodded.

"AAAAAHH!" I shouted, grabbing the phone off Lilly.

"Here, let's put it on loudspeaker!" Lilly snatched the phone back and pressed the speaker button so we'd both be able to hear Layla. Layla used to be our third best friend until she moved to Ireland and we lost touch with her. This was the first time we'd heard from her in 4 years, so as you may have guessed, we were pretty surprised.

"Hey Zara! Hey Lilly! How are you?"

"Why are you ringing!?" We completely ignored her question.

"Because, well, this may come as a shock to you both, but...I'm moving back to England!"

We screamed, louder than we'd ever screamed before. We were shocked enough that she was calling, then she tells us straight away that she's moving back!

"When? Why? How?" Lilly asked.

"In a couple of weeks, on the 5th! You remember my dad was offered a job in Ireland? Well, now he has been offered his old job back again! It's to do with the job in England having much better facilities and it is better paid..But you don't need to know the details!"

"Yeah..." We were still absolutely wide-eyed and open-mouthed with shock.

"Ok, then," Layla began as the conversation started to become arkward. "I'll speak to you soon!"

"Ok, bye!" We hung up the phone and looked at each other.

"Can you believe she's coming back, after all this time?" Lilly queried.

"Not really." I sighed. "Omg!"

"What?" Asked Lilly.

"We forgot to tell her that you're dating Harry and I'm dating Louis!"

"Oh yeah! She'd go mental if she knew that we knew One Direction."

"And if she knew that we knew Niall." I added. She was absolutely Niall crazy.

"Hey, we could set her up with Niall! If he hasn't got a girlfriend...I'll ring Louis!" I shouted.


"Hey, Louis! It's me!"

"Hey, Zara!"

"How did the first tour go?"

"Great! We're taking today off but we're practising like hell so we're ready for tomorrow. It's our only day off..."

"Cool! Glad it went well, tell the lads well done! I won't keep you for ages because you're practising and everything but do you know if Niall has a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, he does....Why? Do you want to go out with him and not me?!" He sounded panicked.

"No, of course not!" I laughed.

"What was it then?"

"Nothing..." I could hear Zayn calling Louis in the background so I decided to end the call.

"Ok, I'll let you go and you can practice and everything."

"Are you sure? It doesn't matter. I mean, Zayn can wait..." He lied. In the background, Zayn was yelling at Louis, telling him that they'd start the song and sing his solo if he didn't get his but over there.

"You should go..." I said.

"No! No, I'll stay...So, how was your day? Done anything? I miss you so much!"

"I know, I miss you too. I'm just hanging 'round Lilly's and stuff and I had college today..."

"Cool, I'm going..." Louis was interrupted by Harry loudly singing Louis' part in More Than This, in a high pitched squeaky voice."

"...I'm on my knees, praying!" Harry finished off his interpretation of Louis and I could hear them laughing.

"I don't sound anything like that!" Louis shouted back before he started talking to me again.

"As I was saying," He laughed. "I'm going shopping later to get some clothes.."

"More clothes?"

"Yep, and I'm gonna try and get a new pair of Toms."

"More Toms?"


"You know, I think you should get some socks." I said.

"Maybe...I only have, like, two pairs..."

I laughed. "Ok, I think I'll go now because you need to..."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Look, I'll ring you tomorrow and we can chat without them ruining it."

"Yeah, that'll be nice."

"So, I guess I'll speak to you soon. Love you!"

"Love you too, babe!" I told him before the call ended.

"Got a girlfriend?" Lilly asked.

"Yeah..." I sighed. We wouldn't be able to set Niall and Layla up after all...

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