c h a p t e r t e n ( w y a t t )

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She looked up, adjusting her glasses as she stared at us. Her nose wrinkled as she thought for a minute, leaving Kyle and I in suspense. "Oh, it's totally talking about a cave. Based on the fact that I know there aren't any caves close to the park, it has to be to the East. Caves are almost always found at higher elevation so based on the direction the stream was flowing it has to be up North. So we should probably head North East," She paused, glancing around her before settling her eyes on the book in her hands, "but right after I finish this chapter."

A dumbfounded look plastered itself on my face, before I readjusted my bag on my shoulder. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all.


  8:00 pm on Friday  

"So... who's going in first?" I asked as I stared the gaping hole in the eye.

I looked to my right, Rosie's eyes were popping out of her head and she was curled in on herself. Her shoulders were slouched forward and her arms were crossed across her chest. Her wide eyes explored the ominous black hole in front of her with fear. "I think...I think I'll stay out here and keep look out."

I looked to my left, Kyle had a tough facade that I could see right through. He was scared. His hands were shaking slightly at his sides and he was biting his lower lip anxiously.

I chuckled at their cowardliness before rolling my shoulders forward and cracking my knuckles. "I guess I'm going in alone."

Kyle quickly stepped forward at that statement, "I'm going in with you."

I smirked at his fake bravery, "Alright, let's go Little Red." I reached behind me and grabbed the flashlight that was in the side pocket before flipping it on and stepping into the mouth of the cave. The ground was covered in pebbles and rocks mostly, with the occasional animal dropping here and there.

I could feel Kyle's body heat radiating from him like a furnace. He never ventured farther than a few inches from me as we continued deeper in the cave. I flipped the flashlight above our heads to reveal numerous bats hanging from the cave. I smirked as I heard Kyle take a sharp breath, staring at the bats.

"Scared?" I raised an eyebrow at Kyle as he gawked at the nocturnal creatures above us.

"Nope. Not at all."

"Sure about that?" I watched him as he pulled himself together, not willing to let go of his tough facade.

"Give me the flashlight," Kyle snapped in response, reaching to grab the light from my hands. I instantly held it above his head, but Kyle wasn't backing down. He grabbed a hold of my arm and jumped, knocking the plastic light from my hands. It clattered to the ground, the light flickering as the plastic bumped along the rigid rock. The bats screeched, flying out into the night. We covered our heads, protecting us from their blind attack, but I could only picture what Rosie was seeing as they swarmed around her head. Before I could get to it, Kyle picked up the flashlight.

"I'll lead the way," Kyle puffed out his chest, but only took one step before the light went out.

"Great, do you have another flashlight in your bag?" I sighed, ripping the useless light out of his hand. The kid had one job: Follow me.

"Oh, yeah," I relaxed a little, hearing Kyle rummage through his bag. He pulled out his flashlight with a click. The light didn't stretch anymore than an arm's length in front of us. It wasn't very bright either. Then it hit me that he actually didn't have a flashlight, but instead a pen light. I took a deep breath, controlling the rage bubbling in me.

"You have got to be kidding me."

"What? I have a light. It's better than what you have."

"Than what I have? You broke the only flashlight that is worth anything!" I spoke through gritted teeth, pinching the bridge of my nose. I closed my eyes, counting to ten before moving along. I didn't care if he chose to keep up or not at this point.

We made it a few more feet before I felt Kyle bump into me. "What are you doing?" I nudged him away from me.

"I just felt something on me."

"Space. I need space, Kyle."

"No man, seriously. I felt something on me."

"Like what? You scared all the bats out of here. Probably the bugs too."

"I'm not joking, man," Kyle quickly moved the light around our feet. Nothing. He moved the light along me. Nothing. He moved the light along the wall beside us. Nothing.

"What are you guys looking for?" The small voice echoed slightly through out the cave. Kyle jumped out of his skin, but I felt my heart quicken at the sudden addition to the team. Rosie stepped closer to us, coming out of the dark with a book in her hand. "I was reading my book when you two let all the bats out of the cave. Now I lost my spot."

Kyle and I stared at the girl in mock disappointment as she flipped through her book in the dim light.

"I'm happy to hear that you are really having the most troubles here, but we have a hunt to get done," Kyle snapped, his voice clipped. I watched Rosie tense under his scrutiny.

Before the waterworks happened, I interjected, "We have to find the next clue. Now, there is no way that Crazy Girl Autumn would put it so far back here. So, Rachel, let's retrace our steps. Kyle, go a little further back."

"Rosie, my name is Rosie," The small girl spoke lowly, almost frightened. I nodded at her before I realized she couldn't see me. I chose not to bring the subject up. With only a few steps, Rosie plastered herself against my side.

"Is someone scared?" I teased, slowly sweeping my foot out in front of me to check for anything on the ground.

"N-no. Just don't want t-to get lost." Her voice cracked slightly as she spoke. I almost felt sorry for the timid, shaking girl clinging onto my arm.

After a few minutes of shuffling around, there was a clatter and a grunt from Kyle in response.

"I think I found it!"

We all crowded around the redheaded boy who was holding the flashlight in his mouth as he fumbled with the lock on the crate. The soft, blue light illuminated the flint at the bottom of the wooden crate. A piece of paper set on top with the words:

To find some eats and treats, all you have to do is look above the streets.

"Yes, food. I'm starving," Kyle spoke as he stood up, rubbing his stomach for emphasis. He kicked the crate aside, quickly moving out the cave. Rosie and I followed behind him.

As we walked out of the cave, Kyle shined the light on the ground briefly, and that is when I noticed footprints from heavy work boots. I glanced at Rosie and Kyle's feet, but their feet were much smaller than mine, and they were wearing every day shoes. Those boot prints definitely didn't match the boots on my feet.

For a second this alarmed me, but I brushed it off. Maybe someone in another group had ventured towards the cave as well.

"Are you coming or not?" Kyle's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

I glanced once more at the prints before turning to them, "Yeah, let's go."


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