Chapter 2 x

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Honestly, I didn't realised that people would read my stories. Hahaha, so here's another chapter! Hope you guys like it(:


The next day, Keaton and his brothers dropped me off at my house and helped me carry all my stuffs up my room. Dad invited Keaton and his brothers to join us for breakfast but he has to pick up his parents up at the airport.

After breakfast, I went up to my room and started resting in my room with my laptop and switched on the tv in my room. There's nothing to watch. So I used my laptop and started tweeting. Soon after that, I started tumblr-ing. There's this person that the people I'm following, that kept reblogging her posts. I started to follow her. She has the same thinking like the rachetandsassy girl I met on Twitter. I started inboxing her, asking her whether she's rachetandsassy. She said she is. We then talked. After a while, my sister called me down because we have guests.

"Lauren, we have guests! Come down." My sister, Taylor, said as she barged in my room without knocking and left my door wide open. One thing I hate about people is that, after opening the door, they wouldn't even close it. Like, what the hell! Close the friggin' door!

I tweeted about the closing of door thingy and then went down the stairs to see our guest.

"Lauren, darling. Here!" My mom called out.

I looked at our living room. There she was, that girl I saw in Macdonalds. She stood up after that woman beside her pinched her arm. There was also a little girl standing beside her.

"Darling, this is Sinu, Camila and Sofia. They are our next door neighbours." My mom introduced as I shook my hands with Sinu, Camila, then Sofia. I assume Sinu is her mother and Sofia is her younger sister.

"Hi, I'm Lauren" I said to Sinu and Camila and smile as I stopped at Sofia.

"Hey you, you're so cute. What's your name, darling?" I said to Sofia, as I squatted next to her. She softly said, "I'm Sofia..." She said, and ran to Camila.

"Hey you." I said to Camila.

"Y-y-yes?" She stuttered out. She seemed so cute! Hahaha!

"I didn't know you stayed here??" I said.

"Obviously. I just moved here." She said.

I was about to reply when my dad interrupted saying, "Okay, dinner's ready. Let's eat!"

I carried Sofia and Camila walked behind me.

--------Camila's Pov------------

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs in the Jauregui's house. I looked down. I was too shy, I don't know why.

My mom pinched me on my arm as I stood up. I didn't know why.

Stood infront of me was familiar... She's that girl whom I met in Mcdonalds right? Shit shit. She's so gorgeous. I c-cant. She's so hot. I wanna lick her face. I want her to be my girlfriend. Errr what? What the hell is wrong with me?!?!

"Darling, this is Sinu, Camila and Sofia. They are our next door neighbours." Mrs Clara said.

"Hi, I'm Lauren." She said as she smiled at me and my mom. Goshhh. Her smile is just so freaking gorgeous i cant

I kinda zoned out abit until I realised something hit me. Sofia.

"Hey you." Lauren said, with a straight face.

"Y-y-yes?" I stuttered out. Gosh, why did I stutter?! Why am I nervous around her?!

"I didn't know you stayed here??" Lauren said.

"Obviously, I just moved here."i said, stating the obvious.

She seemed to say something but her dad interrupted her saying that dinner is ready.

There were only 6 seats in the dining room. I offered to sit in the living room with Sofia because there is not enough seats in the dining table. Lauren then also offered to to sit in the living room.

There were many dishes. Steaks, fries, onion rings, mashed potato. All western. I took each of everything and made myself comfortable in the living room. Me and Sofia sat on the floor since we're scared that we might mess up the couch. Suddenly, I felt a presence beside me. I ignored it and continue eating as I watch Princess Diaries with Sofia.

"Loving this show, uh?" Someone said, making me almost choked because there were food in my mouth.

"Dude! I'm eating, and you made me shocked!" I said, pouting.

"Sorry sorry hahaha!" Lauren said, laughing.

I just ignored her.

We ate in silence after that because Sofia kept shouting to keep us quiet. Few minutes after that, I finished eating and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. Lauren came up from behind and gave me a confused look.

"Why are you washing the dishes?" She asked.

"Because I want to. It's a habit of mine to clean up the dishes I ate. I don't want to be rude." I explained.

"It's okay, I will wash the dishes." She said.

"No, it's okay." I said.

Suddenly, I felt hands on my hands. I don't know if that made sense but yeah. As I looked up, Lauren was staring at my eyes directly as if she's penetrating my soul. After that, I don't know what happened but I felt lips on my lips and my eyes are closed. I was enjoying it. I think I'm kissing somebody. It's really nice. There were sparks everywhere. Then, I realised who I'm kissing... Lauren Michelle Jauregui.

"I'm so sorry." I said as I dashed out of the kitchen, leaving a confused Lauren behind.

I went to the living room and sat beside Sofia. She was focused in watching the tv. After my mom finished dinner, we went back home as it's already late and Sofia was getting sleepy.

That night, all I could ever think about was the kiss and Lauren.

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