Chapter 8 x

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After we ate, we went back the hospital. Sinuhe was there waiting for Sofia I guess.

''Sinuhe, you okay?'' I said.

''Yes, I'm fine... Mila is asking for you.'' She said.

I nodded and then went in Camz's room. She's lying in bed watching TV. I walked towards her and sat beside her. She noticed it because she got distracted and looked at me instead.

''Baby, you okay?'' I asked.

''Yeah... But why?'' she asked, not looking in my eyes.

''What do you mean by why?'' I said, confused.

''Why... Why did you saved me? Why did you sent me to the hospital when it's clear that I want to be dead. I can't stand here anymore! Life just sucks! What did I do to receive this? What did I do to get all these things happening?! Urgh, please! Just let me die Lauren! I'd rather be dead than to live like this!'' she said crying.

I started tearing up. Why... Why does she feel that way? Is it because she doesn't feel loved? I don't want to lose her. She's my everything.. I couldn't do anything without her...

''Why? What happened? I care for you. I'm here for you. You could have told me what you felt, because I care. I love you too much to let you go and see you hurt. You're my everything. I don't know what I would do without you, because I love Camz.. I really do. You're the love of my life. I love you so much.'' I said, hugging her.

''Babe, i'm sorry... I love you, but I think I'm better off dead. Everyone hates me. I bet you do t-'' Camz said, before I interrupted her by kissing her.

''Wow, I miss your lips.'' I said.

''Hmmm, am I interrupting anything?'' Someone said.

We both looked towards tthe door, to find Camzie's doctor out there. We both shook our heads and blushed.

''Okay, I need to check Miss Karla first. If you want to, you can stay.'' The doctor said.

I nodded. After the doctor checked Camzie, he said that she can pack up and get dismissed from the hospital tomorrow. We both were happy about it. I shared the news to Sinuhe and Sofia and they said they will go home and bring Camz's clothes tomorrow and i could stay for the night.

I never left her side. For the rest of the night, we had movie marathons. Luckily I brought my laptop. I left it in the car so I rushed out to the carpark just to bring my laptop to the room so that she won't get bored.

The entire time we watched movies, she was quiet, so focused. She looks so beautiful. She's always beautiful. Inside and out. Why would anyone hurt her?

''What are you looking at you pedo.'' Camz said, looking at me.

''No.. nothing. I'm just wondering how could someone be so beautiful inside and out? I'm so lucky to be yours. I love you from the bottom of my heart. You're all I can think of, okay? I would never want to change my life with someone else because you're all I need. In fact, without you, things wouldn't be like this. You make my life so perfect... So complete. Thank you so much. I should thank your parents for creating such a beautiful human being. I love you.'' I said, kissing her forehead.

''Awh thank you, I shall thank your parents for creating such a human. I mean, dayum mami. You is fine as hell.'' she said.

I just smiled at her silliness. She's so adorable omg. I'm such a lucky woman. Hahaha.

For the rest of the night, we spent watching movies and didn't slept at all because we're both excited. It's been the second time she's been in the hospital for this reason. I want to show her how much I love her. I don't know what's my plan, I hope the girls know what to do. I decided to call Dinah.

''Babe, I'm gonna call someone. Don't do anything, okay? I love you.'' I said to Camz.

She smiled and nodded, so I went out of the room with my phone along. I switched on my phone, and smiled. A photo of mine and Camz;s in school. It was the first week we've been going out together, I love her. I scrolled down my contacts list and found a certain name.


''Hello, Dinah?'' I said.

''Wassup dawg!'' She said, loudly.

''Dude, chill. My ears are hurting! Anyways, I need your help.'' I said.

''Okay, I'm listening...'' She said.

I told her my plans and she agreed with it. Thank God. I hung up the phone call but before that, I said thank you. Manners please.

I walked back to the room and saw Camz using my laptop with tears on her eyes.

''Babe, what's wrong?'' I asked, snatching the laptop away from her before she could pull back.

''NO WAIT NO!'' She shouted.

I saw her going on Facebook and received hates on her timeline and inboxes. Shit, there's a lot of hates. No wonder that she tries to kill herself. I read all of the comments, one by one. I can't believe it! And some are even those people I know clearly.

All of those hateful things have to stop! I typed as fast as I could on the laptop by saying,

'' Listen you stupid little shits. Camila and I are a couple. We don't need your approval because we love each other. You people better fuck off before I kill you guys one by one. When I say KILL, I fucking mean it. Most of you know better than this, that I love Camila. And she loves ME. I know she's adorable, cute, hot and beautiful. But she's mine. There's no need to call her a dyke or worthless or stupid or ugly, because one thing for sure, she has the purest heart among all of you fuckers and that she's much more beautiful than your mom will ever be. So literally, fuck off before I cut your dick and mail it to your parents or if you're a girl, I will haunt you down and cut your hair and glue it to your vagina and I will also cut your boobs and send it to your boyfriend or grandmother you little brat bitches. Now fuck off and mind your own fucking business. You guys are wondering, ''it's our business with her, what are you interfiering for?'' Well, listen you pussies, I'm her girlfriend and I'm here for her. If you all are not fucking satisfied then I suggest you write your feelings and shove into that fucking asshole you have or just wait in line in the room of I don't give a fuck. Bye you little piece of annoying shit fuckers. Remember, if you ever disturb her again, you'll find yourself in a motherfucking cave with lions.''

Camz hugged me and said, ''Thank you so much for that. I love you.''

It was afternoon when Sinuhe came by. Camz went to bathe and change while I just sat there playing with Sofia.

"Lauren, thank you for taking real care of Karla. I know school is important for you, but it seems as if my babygirl is much more important than school. Thank you so much." Sinuhe said.

"It's a real honour to take care of her, Sinuhe. She's my everything, I simply do not want anyone to hurt her or anything." I said, smiling.

She smiled and went off to pay for the hospital bills.

*Skips to X-Factor*

I was backstage of the X-Factor stage and oh my gosh it's so huge. I have my friends here following me to support me and also my family. Yay!!! I can't wait.

Out of sudden, I felt someone bumped into me.

''So sorry! I didn't see you!'' That person said after bumping into me.

Wait, I recognised the voice... I've heard it somewhere, but I'm not sure.

''It's okay... Hey, do I know you somewhere?'' I asked as I faced into that someone.


hey, I'm sorry I haven't been on lately. i'm always tired these days, i'm not entirely sure why. i've been reading a lot of fanfics on tumblr((sorry)), and really get addicted to them. i'm kind of sleepy right now since it's 12.41 a.m and im hungry oh god alright nevermind hope you guys like this tho(:

ps, i might put this story on hold because school is starting pretty soon and i dont think i have time to write & i have a lot of ideas in my mind to write new stories so er yeh ;3 love you guys!!

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