Skinny Love x [Camren Fanfiction]

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"LAUUUREEEEENNNNNN!!!!" I heard someone shouting my name, making me wake up from my sleep.

"LAUREN MICHELLE JAUREGUI. ANSWER THIS QUESTION PLEASE." Miss Kelly shouted as she shot me a glare.

"Errrr.... 10?" I answered, unsure.

"Pay attention! I know you're excited for the holidays but please bare with me." Miss Kelly said.

I just looked at the board and didn't understand a single thing Miss Kelly taught me. I looked to my left as I sense someone staring at me. I was right. My bestfriend, Vero, was trying to hold her laughters and was looking at me. I shot her a "very-funny" look and I tried to focus with what Miss Kelly is trying to teach.

I mean, why would she teach? We have 10 more minutes before school end and before we know it, the school will end and it's time for summmerrrrr!

"RRRRIIIINNNNGGGG" Everyone dashed out of the classroom and threw papers everywhere. I walked to my lockers and took out all of my stuffs in the locker and shoved it in my bag. As I closed my locker, someone yelled "BOO!", making me shocked. It was my boyfriend, Keaton.

"Gosh, Keaton. You made me shocked!" I said.

"I know. You ready for the last day of school? Summer starts tomorrow!" He said, smiling widely.

"Of course, baby!" I said and peck my lips on his.

We hold hands as we exit the school and walked towards the parking lot where he parked his car. We put our stuffs in the boot of the car as he drove to meet our friends at a beach. Before that, we went to a mall where they have various of foods and shops to buy clothes and so on. Since summer starts tomorrow, we went there to pick out clothes to buy for summer.

On the way there, we blasted musics very loudly. We sang and went goofy, but he still stayed and focused on the road though.

Few minutes later, we arrived at the mall. There were a lot of people there, celebrating with their friends. Most of them are from my school. Obviously, my school is near to the mall. Since both me and Keaton were hungry, we went to buy food. We stopped at Macdonalds. There weren't a lot of people in Macdonalds, and that is good news. We picked out a place and relaxed there for awhile and took out our phones. I went to Twitter. An account followed me... Err, rachetandsassy. Hmmm. I smirked.

"Baby, you ready to order? My stomach is growlingggg!" Keaton asked.

"Yes hehhee. What do you want? I'll pay, my treat!" I said.

"No no! My treat. I'm the guy here, and I'm supposed to buy girls their foods and shopping. And i love you. Please let me pay for this." Keaton said, giving me his cute puppy eyes.

I can't resist it. It's too cute!

"Okay, fine. I love you too. Get me double cheese burger with an ice lemon tea. Thank you." I grinned.

After he left to line up, I continued stalking rachetandsassy. She tweets hilarious tweets, i kept biting my lips to stop me from laughing so loud since it's public. I looked at her followers, and she have massively a lot of followers. Not surprised. I decided to follow her back and then dm-ed her, "hey! Thanks for following me. You have really awesome tweets. I love it. Stay awesome! Ily."

Few minutes later, I received a dm. I checked it and saw that she replied me. It says," omg you're my idol thank you so much this means a lot to me haha you too!"

This girl is really silly. I decided not to reply since Keaton already came with food.

"Yo keaton, you forgot our straws!" I said.

He grinned at me. He always forgot things, and it's cute. He's cute. He's mine!

I went to take our straws and some ketchup. I turned around and didn't realised there was a girl standing in behind me. She's really pretty. She has a headband that has a bow. She has a long somehow wavy hair that stops in the middle of her stomach. She's so pretty. And being a clumsy girl as I am, I accidentally dropped my ketchup which was put on a plastic thingy and it spilled on her sweatshirt.

"OH MY GOSH. I'M REALLY SORRY. I DIDN'T MEAN TO SPILL IT." I said, panicking as I made myself a fool.

"Oh shit. It's okay, i'm used to it." She said, trying to give me a smile.

"No, it's not okay! Come, follow me to the washroom." I pulled her.

We went to the washroom and I gave her a handful of tissues to clean her sweatshirt as I dashed out to go to a near clothing store and buy her a new sweatshirt.

I came back and luckily, she was still there.

"Hey, here's a new sweatshirt I bought for you. Sorry about just now!" I said.

"You don't have to buy for me a new sweatshirt and kept apologising to me, you know?" She said, laughing.

"Well, it is my fault. Change to a new sweatshirt! You smell like a ketchup!"

I laughed.

She changed into the new sweatshirt. It really fitted her. She wore that red london sweatshirt and black skinnies and a pair of black converse low cut shoe. She's really pretty.

"HELLOOOO. Done checking me out?" She said as she bit her lips shyly.

"Im sorry, what?" I asked, blurred.

"Nothinggg. Well, I have to go. My mom is waiting for me." She said.

"Oh wait, can I have your number?" I asked. I don't know why I asked that. I totally regretted it.

"Sure! Text me later okay?" She said as she took my phone and dialled her number.

After she returned back my phone, she walked out of the washroom. I then walked to the table I was supposed to sit earlier with Keaton. But before that, I took two straws.

"What happened?" Keaton asked me, confused.

"Oh, I accidentally spilled ketchup over a girl. Nothing big." I said as I took a quick bite of my burger.

After that, it was totally silent. The tension and awkwardness stops when we went to a shop to buy our summer clothes. I picked out a sky blue bikini which matched his shorts. After that, we went to go shop at other shops.

It took us almost 4 hours of shopping. At the end of the day, I bought 4 tank tops, 3 blouse, 6 shorts, two flip flops, 3 bikinis and 2 tshirts.

After that, we went to a pizzeria to bring it to Keaton's house since everyone is there and got tired of waiting for us in the park.

When we reached there, almost everyone was there. Lucy, Vero, Drew, Derek. Drew, Derek and Keaton are siblings. Their parents are away on a vacation. We gave them the two boxes of pizzas me and Keaton bought. We spent the rest of the night together.

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