One Direction: Fresh Start.

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I turned up at the signing the night before, I had to get in to see them! Even if it was just for a second, my life would be made.

I went the night before because I knew, already, of so many people planning to go so I thought by turning up the day before, I might stand a better chance.

Everyone was in such high spirits all night, people were singing and sat in groups talking.

I sat with a group of about 5 girls, we were talking about what our favourite songs off the album were and who our favourite members of the group were.

The night flew by, it was 6am now and the wristbands for the signing would be handed out and 7am. Most people were asleep apart from a few people that were still talking. I slowly stood up, being careful not to disturb the people around me and wandered off to the toilets to get changed.

It took me half an hour to do my makeup and get changed, long sleeved jumper, maroon coloured skinnies and converse. I did my usual natural skin with dark eye makeup and let my hair fall down past my shoulders, hanging in loose curls.

By the time I got back to my place in line, the girls I were talking to last night had woken up and were talking again. They all said how nice I looked but I didn't want to believe them. I can't take compliments. I just whispered back 'Thank you' and returned to packing up my things.

500 wristbands were being handed out for this signing and we were quite close to the front so we knew we would get in. 4 people in black HMV shirts brought around the bands and put them on for us.

The excitement was building as one by one our numbers got called out to enter the shop floor. It was 3pm and after hours of waiting, the signing was half an hour away.


"10, 9, 8, 7..." The crowd already inside the shop chanting along to the countdown, which is flashing on the far wall of the shop.

"6, 5, 4 , 3, 2..." Here we go...

"1!!!" Everyone erupted into screams of joy, some people crying as they ran into the shop. All 5 of them looking perfect.

They took their seats behind the desk which had been set up closer to me than I had realised. I could see every single one of them.

Liam, Niall, Zayn, Louis and Harry.

A security guard stood at either end of the table, the first one grabbing the girls rather forcefully by the wrist and escorting them up to the table whilst

the other handed the girls their signed CD's at the end.


Just 3 girls were in front of me now, my heart started beating faster and my breathing increased. I'm actually going to meet them. From what I had seen so

far, each of the boys wanted to talk to the girls as much as they could resulting in them taking their time to sign the CD's.

"I'm up next. Breath." I kept repeating in my head.

The first security guard came up to me and grabbed me by the wrist, I flinched. I swear Liam saw me but I didn't think anymore of it.

I walked up slowly to the desk, CD in hand. Ready to hand over to Liam.

As I did so, his eyes were fixated on my wrist.

What I had hidden so well for 2 years had finally been seen by someone else.

I didn't know what else to do now seeing as all of the other boys had realised something was wrong and were staring at me.

Tears rolling down my cheeks.

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