'We won't judge you.'

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As soon as the ambulance pulled up outside the hospital, a whole bunch of doctors rushed out and crowded around Leah’s lifeless body. Before I could say anything they had ran inside with her.

Shortly after I found myself in a private waiting room, not knowing whether she would survive or if we’d shared our last goodbye.

No one would tell me what’s happening with her other than stating that she had lost a lot of blood and was in a critical condition.

Another 5 minutes passed before I heard the unmistakable shrieks of girls coming from the public waiting area just down the corridor. I heard heavy footsteps coming towards the room and my four band mates rushed into the waiting area bombarding me with questions that I couldn’t answer.

‘I don’t know anything! Please stop!’ I yelled, hoping they’d get the message.

Thankfully the questions stopped as I sat back down on one of the plastic chairs and hid my face in my hands, letting the tears fall freely once again. Soon enough I felt a presence next to me, Louis placed his hand on my back rubbing small comforting circles in an attempt to calm me down.

‘Thanks Lou.’ I croaked my voice hoarse from all of the crying.

‘What are you thinking Haz?’ He asked.

‘I’m thinking that if I didn’t go to the interviews today, we wouldn’t be here now. She wouldn’t be only just hanging onto life. It’s all my fault. I-I should have stayed with her!’ My voice raised a little with every sentence.

‘It’s all my fault!!’ I couldn’t stop the tears. I needed to be alone so I took off down the corridor and ran into the toilets, straight into an empty cubicle and slid down the wall.

I sat for 10 minutes on the floor, hugging my knees, the tears were still freely rolling down my cheeks when I heard the door open.

‘I know you’re in here Harry. Open the door?’ Slowly standing up, I unlatched the door and opened it to reveal Zayn stood there looking like he had just stopped crying. His eyes were still red and puffy.

‘Come on, everyone’s worried about you.’ He grabbed hold of my arm as we walked back to the waiting room.

As soon as I walked through the door Louis ran over to me and embraced me in a bone crushing hug.

‘Urm. Lou. I can’t breathe.’

‘Right, sorry.’ He said as he let go. ‘I thought you’d do something stupid, don’t run off again.’

‘Sorry. I just can’t process all of this. Just this morning she was fine and now we’re sat waiting to see if she’ll survive. I could have stopped this.’ Right then Liam cut me off.

‘You have to stop blaming yourself. You couldn’t have stopped this, you didn’t know this was going to happen, no one did so no one could have stopped it. We don’t even know what caused her to do it yet.’

‘But still-‘ Just as I was about to argue with his point a doctor walked into the room.

‘Are you all relatives of Leah?’ The black haired woman asked.

‘Not so much relatives, more guardians.’ Louis answered.

‘Right, well, we stopped the blood and stitched her up. This was really serious, she could have lost her life but for now she’ll be fine. She’s going to need help for her problem.’ Concern dripped from every word.

‘Thank you, how is she now?’ Harry asked as soon as she finished talking.

‘Right now, she’s awake and extremely confused. Would you like to see her?’ She added.

We all nodded and followed her out of the waiting room and down a corridor. We stopped outside a white door. ‘Just in there.’ And with that she walked off.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and walked slowly into the room, the other boys trailing behind me.

‘Leah! You’re ok!’ I rushed over and stood beside her bed. Her skin is really pale compared to what it usually is, her eyes were red from crying.

‘W-w-what h-happened?’ She managed to croak out.

I sat down beside her on the bed, taking her hand in mine.

‘Well, we came home from the interviews and found your note, you were in your bathroom laid in a pool of blood. You tried to take your life. Why did you do that?’


‘You tried to take your life. Why did you do that?’ Harry’s voice cracked at the end of his sentence just as a tear rolled down his cheek and fell on his shirt.

‘I-I don’t want to do this anymore.’ I whispered before bursting into a fresh round of tears hoping they wouldn’t hear me.

‘What don’t you want to do anymore?’ Liam asked, placing his hand on my shoulder.

‘A-a-all of this, I’m sick of pretending everything is fine when it’s not. I’m scared. Nothing’s going to be the same.’ I cried.

Harry pulled me into his chest where I remained until I could cry no more. He slowly ran his fingers through my hair, soothing me instantly.

‘You don’t have to pretend anymore. You can get help and none of this will matter anymore. You’ll be ok.’ Niall perched himself on the bottom of the bed. His voice barely above a whisper.

‘Why do you care about me so much?’ I asked, raising my head from the confines of Harry’s chest.

‘You’re broken but so strong. You put on a character to protect other people. You’re lovely and you’re so genuine, I honestly don’t know how people can dislike you.’ Niall spoke while the others nodded along to every word he said.

‘I’m not strong though! As soon as something affects me I take a blade to my skin. What normal person gets relief from watching their own blood roll down their arm?’ I asked in disbelief to his words.

‘You’ll be ok, we can get help for you. We love you and we’ll always be here for you. Just promised me one thing?’ Harry asked lifting my head up so I was looking directly at him.

‘Promise me that if you ever feel the need to do this again, you’ll come talk to us. We’ll all be here to listen, we won’t judge you. In our eyes you’re beautiful, but you can’t see that.’ His voice was so sincere, I had to make this promise.

‘I promise.’ I whispered as all the boys gathered around me, each pulling me into a comforting hug.

Just as Louis had let go, Liam started singing What Makes You Beautiful acapella, all of the boys joining in.

‘You’re insecure, don’t know what for, you’re turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or. Don’t need make-up, to cover up, being the way that you are is eno-o-ugh. Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you.’

Never have the lyrics had such meaning.

‘You don’t know, oh-oh, you don’t know you’re beautiful.’ Harry finished, taking my hand in his, kissing it lightly.

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