Old ways?

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AN!!! SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN A WHILE! I've been in a weird state of mind but I'm back to writing now, enjoy!!!:D

After a couple of hours I went back and met up with the boys, Harry had sent me a text to meet them back at the car to go home.

It looked as though the boys had got everything they wanted, the boot of the car was filled with bags, so was my seat.

'Looks like you'll have to sit on my knee.' Harry smirked at me.

I swear they do these things on purpose.

'I can't, I'll crush you.' I declined his offer and settled on squeezing in next to the shopping bags but Harry was having none of it. He sat down and pulled me onto his lap.

'You barely weigh anything Leah, are you sure you've been eating?' Concern filled every word that left his lips.

I saw Louis flash me a small, sad smile through the mirror, I hope he doesn't tell them what happened back at the restaurant.

'Yeah, high metabolism I suppose.' I flashed him a smile in the hope that he would believe me.

'Zayn, turn the radio up!!' Looks like he did.

For the rest of the ride back to the house, all I could think about where the blades in my bag, I though about where I would hide them, how soon I'd be able to get relief, how I'd hide the damage from the boys. It shouldn't be too hard, right?

As soon as we pulled up in the drive Niall complained about being hungry and shouted something about ordering a takeaway as he ran through the door. Typical Niall.

I used the excuse of going to hang my new clothes in the wardrobe to get away from them. Of course I was going to put my clothes away but not until I had hidden the blades in a place they wouldn't find them.

Bathroom? Too obvious.

Back of a drawer? Not bad but would they look?

Wardrobe? Maybe...That's when I realised. Hiding something in plain sight is sometimes better than trying to hide it. Ok, so maybe I wouldn't just be leaving them out on the desk but putting them in the bathroom would probably be too obvious, so maybe none of the boys would look in there?

I cleared a small space at the back of the top shelf in my cabinet above the sink and placed them in, I had already took them out of the box they came in and put them in a small blue box, so if they did look, it wouldn't stand out too much.

'LEAH!!! Are you coming down?' I realised I had been upstairs for quite a while trying to find somewhere, they must have been getting suspicious by now.

'Yeah, I'll be down in a minute, just finishing off putting my clothes away!!' I heard Liam mutter something about girls and their clothes, they bought it this time.

Another 10 minutes passed before I joined the boys in the living room, I sat down next to Louis and he pulled me into his chest, hugging me in a loving brotherly way.

Just as I was starting to drift off to sleep, the doorbell rang and Niall ran to answer it shouting to the boys that he ordered pizza. After a minute or so Niall walked in carrying what looked like 10 pizza boxes. Everyone, including me, gave him a look as if to ask 'Why so many?'

'I'm hungry and I thought we could eat these and watch a film.' He seemed to have thought this through quite a lot.

Setting the boxes down on the table, everyone gathered around the 2 sofa's and grabbed what they wanted. Noticing that I didn't have any, Louis grabbed an extra piece and handed in to me, pulling me into his side once again, only this time not as close so he could eat.

'Go on, eat it please? You need to get better.' His eyes were filled with sympathy. I couldn't say no to him, not after what happened earlier.

'You didn't tell them did you?' I whispered in his ear.

'I wouldn't do that, if you want to tell them that's fine but it's not something for me to go blabbering about. It's like you're facing a battle with demons that only you can see, everyone has them but for different problems, it justs so happens yours isn't healthy.' He understood, for once someone took the time to understand me.

'Thank you Louis, for everything.' I lightly kissed his cheek before slowly eating the small slice of pizza in my hand. It was so good, after I had finished I realised how hungry I actually was and reached for another piece, Louis watching on with happiness filling his eyes.

'Well done.' He whispered. 'You're going to get better, I know it.'

If only he knew what I had upstairs, I don't want to let him down again but maybe I should take it one thing at a time?

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