'Don't leave me.'

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‘We’ve got to go for interviews; will you be ok on your own for a few hours?’ Liam asked after they all got off the sofa.

‘Yeah, I’ll be fine.’ I replied.

The boys went and got ready, they were getting picked up at 10 to go to the Sugarscape offices. They always loved doing these interviews but still, they worried about me. Harry kept insisting that he stayed with me, but I refused to have him miss out and sent him along anyway.

After the car picked them up, I didn’t know what to do so I went to my room and picked my phone up from the bedside table. Unlocking it, I noticed that I had 4 new messages.

1 message from Harry.

1 message from Zayn.

2 messages from Unknown Number.

I looked at the one from Harry first.

Just thought I’d send you a quick text to make sure you’re ok. –H xx’

I sent him a quick reply, ‘You worry too much, I’ve been alone for 20 minutes, have fun and stop worrying! –L xx’

I then opened up the text from Zayn.

‘Harry won’t stop worrying about you, please reply to his text so he knows you’re ok;)-Z’

After sending a quick reply to Zayn I opened up the other messages from the ‘Unknown Number.’

Big mistake.

I know who you’re with, don’t think that pretty little boy band can keep you safe. You know what I’m capable of if you don’t do what I say.’ The first text read, I didn’t know who this could be. At first I thought Jason, but he’s in jail with no means of contacting me. Maybe the second text would contain more clues as to who it could be.

‘Have you worked out who I am yet? I know everything that’s happened to you. I know who you’re with and when I find out where you are, I’m coming back for you. I may have kicked you out of the house, but that doesn’t mean you can escape me forever.’

I gasped after reading the second text, I wanted to scream and cry but the words just wouldn’t come out, they got trapped in my throat.

I’m scared, what if he comes for me? He’s not going to stop until he finds out where I am, and when he does, who knows what he will do. I know full well what he’s capable of.

All of a sudden, a familiar itching feeling rises up inside me. It’s a need, something I promised the boys to never do again, but what if he finds me and finishes me off? I can’t let him do that, I have to get out of this life before anyone else gets hurt.

I walked down the stairs and left a note on the table by the door, hoping the boys would find it once they arrive back home.

Once back upstairs, I entered my en-suite I opened the cabinet above the sink, reaching for the little blue box at the back of the shelf, I opened it and pulled out one of the blades. I put the lid back on the box and put it back in the cabinet.

I rolled up the lounge trousers I was wearing and placed the blade on my thigh, just as I was about the glide it across my phone beeped from out in my room. I went over and grabbed it.

1 new message from Harry.

‘Two of the interviews have been cancelled; we’ll be back in 2 hours. Love you-H xx’ I decided not to reply, what’s the point when I’m not going to be around it 2 hours?

I sat back down on the edge of the bath and repositioned the blade on my thigh. With no hesitation I slashed it across the skin over and over until the blood was pouring down my leg creating a pool on the floor. I repeated this on my other thigh.

Realising this wouldn’t be enough; I lifted the blade to my wrist. Gliding it over old scars and mark free skin. Working my way up my forearm creating a criss-cross pattern over old scars. Soon enough the blood was rushing out of my arm and I began to feel light headed. I continued slashing my arm until I lost my grip on the blade. Slowly bending down to pick it up, my vision became blurred.

All I remember doing after that is laying down on the floor, my clothes becoming soaked with a sticky, crimson liquid. But what does it matter anymore.

I slowly drifted out of consciousness and into a peace filled sleep.


‘Guys, she still hasn’t replied to my text, do you think something’s wrong?’ I asked.

‘She might just be asleep; she did wake up early this morning.’ Liam answered.

Somehow this didn’t reassure me, she always replies.

‘Can we just hurry up and get home please?’ I have an awful feeling that something bad has happened.


After another 3 interviews we were finally on our way back to the house.

‘Haz, are you ok? You’ve not said a word the whole way back.’ Louis asked, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

I couldn’t form words over worrying about Leah, I gave a feeble nod in reply, resuming my position staring out of the window.

Once we pulled up on the drive, I was the first one out, pulling my key out of my pocket and pushing it in the door. I swung it open noticing that the house was eerily quiet.

‘Leah? Leah, are you ok?’ I shouted out, hoping she would hear me.

I walked over to the table near the door and put my keys down, I was just about to walk away when I noticed a folded piece of paper sticking out from underneath a glass.

I hastily unfolded it, recognising Leah’s neat scrawl almost immediately.

I’m sorry. I’m weak, I can’t do this anymore. Soon enough you will realise what I mean by all of this. Just remember, I love you all. Don’t stop doing what you love best, keep up with the music. Once again, I love you so much. Goodbye.’

What does this mean? Goodbye?

‘BOYS!! GET IN HERE NOW!!’ All of them came running in the house.

‘What is it?! What’s wrong?’ Louis asked in a worried tone

. I passed the note to him and took off up the stairs.

I ran into Leah’s room hoping that my thoughts were wrong. She wasn’t on the bed or anywhere else in her room. I could see a strip of light coming from underneath the bathroom door.

Slowly pushing the door open, the sight that greeted me was truly shocking.

I rushed over to the lifeless body and fell to my knees. Blood was coming out of her thighs and he left arm. I grasped her right wrist checking for a pulse. It was there but very weak.

‘LIAM!!! CALL AN AMBULANCE AND GET UP HERE!’ I bellowed, we can’t lose her.

I heard a stampede of footsteps coming from the stairs and in a matter of seconds, the four boys were stood in the doorway.

‘What happened?’ Louis cried, kneeling down beside me.

‘I don’t know, I found her like this. There’s a pulse but it’s only weak, Liam what’s happening with the ambulance?!’ My words came out so fast, I’m surprised they could even understand what I said.

‘It’ll be here any second Haz.’ Unsurprisingly, Liam was managing to stay calm through all of this. After all, he was the one that found her the first time.

Sure enough the familiar sound of an ambulance siren filled the house and within a minute two paramedics rushed into the bathroom and put her lifeless body on a stretcher.

‘One of you will need to come in the ambulance with us, we need details.’ The older looking male asked.

‘I’ll go.’ I volunteered. ‘You guys meet me at the hospital.’

Sitting in the back of the ambulance, I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing down my cheeks.

‘Don’t leave me Leah, I love you.’

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