'I suppose you've seen the news.'

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The news shocked us just as much as it did Leah.

We hate seeing her like this, she needs help right now, all of this is just adding extra stress which she definitely doesn't need.

After the Louis had calmed her down and she came and sat down with us again on the sofa's I got a phone call.

*Incoming call: Simon*

'Hello?' I answered.

'Liam, I suppose you've seen the news.' I didn't say anything and just let him carry on.

'Well, I'm happy you're helping her but certain online websites have twisted stories and made them up because they're not happy with the lack of information. Several people here at the offices aren't happy with what you are doing and think you should cut off all contact with Leah, they think she is a fame hog and is using you to become famous, they don't believe her story one bit.'

Through out all of this I remained silent, unable to take in what I was hearing. Stupidly I nodded thinking Simon could see me.

'What's going to happen then?' I asked once I realised I hadn't said anything in a while.

'I'm setting up some interviews for you with some magazines and TV shows that have been nice to you in the past and that you get on with. Leah has to go along to the interviews but it's her choice what she answers and how much she says. Please let her know that she doesn't have to say anything she is uncomfortable with. Make sure she's ok and please, look after her. It seems like she needs you boys right now, I know you can make everything right.' Simon's voice softened towards the end to a tone that I had never heard him speak in before.

'Thanks Simon, can you do one more thing for us?' I asked.

'What's that?'

'She needs setting up with a good therapist, to help her through all of this and help it stop, we can only do so much.'

'Ok Liam, I'll do what I can and get back to you later. Bye for now.' He replied.

'Bye, thank you.' I hung up, how am I going to break this to Leah?

She won't like this one bit, when she first came to live with us she hardly told us anything and now she's got to go to interviews and try to explain everything to people she has never met before that will be broadcast or read by potentially thousands of people.

I went back into the living room, Leah had just started explaining something but I interrupted, they need to know.

'Guys, we've got a problem...'

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