'I'm a mess.'

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I awoke early the next morning with a pair of arms wrapped around me. For a moment I couldn't remember who it was but then the events of the previous night 

came flooding back to me. 

He loved me. He said that he loved me.

I lay awake thinking about everything that happened for a while until I felt Harry stir next to me.

'Morning.' He said, in his rough morning voice, whilst turning to face me.

'Morning.' I replied, moving in closer to him.

'Are you ready for the interview today?' Harry asked.

I'd forgotten all about the interview, suddenly all of the nerves that I felt when I found out about the interviews came flooding back, only this time they 

were twice as worse. I tensed up in Harry's arms, he must have felt it because no sooner had I tensed up he spoke.

'You'll be fine, remember what we said yesterday, you don't have to answer what you don't want to answer. You've got us, I'll be with you all the way 

through, I won't leave your side.' 

'Promise?' I asked, looking up into his eyes.

'Promise.' He replied, pulling me in and resting his chin on the top of my head. 

The room was calm for a while, just me and Harry snuggled up in bed, listening to the sound of each other's breathing, when all of a sudden the door burst 

open and in came a happy looking Louis.

'MOOOOOORRRRRNNNNNNIIIIIINNNNNNG!' He shouted as loud as he could, no doubt waking everyone up on the street. 

'Morning Louis.' We both chorused as he forced us apart, getting under the covers between us.

'Are you two planning on getting up any time soon? You know, for breakfast or anything?' Louis asked innocently.

'Yeah, we'll be down in a minute.' Harry answered, Louis, seemingly satisfied with Harry's answer, lept out of the bed, taking the duvet with him. 

'We better be getting up then.' I said, getting up from the bed and making my way downstairs, followed closely by Harry.

As we approached the kitchen, I could smell something cooking and I heard the unmistakable laugh of Niall's.

Upon entering I noticed that Liam, Niall and Zayn were all in the kitchen. Liam stood over the oven, Zayn and Niall sat around the Island waiting for 

whatever it is Liam was cooking. 

'Do you two want any of this?' Liam asked us both.

'No, I'm just going to have cereal.' Harry answered, walking over to the cupboard, taking out a bowl and spoon. 

'I don't want anything.' Just as I said that Louis walked into the room.

'This isn't because of your eating disorder is it?' He asked, seemingly worried.

'No, I'm just nervous.' Most of what I said was true, I am nervous but I really don't want to eat right now, I know what I'd end up doing seeing as now I 

don't have my blades to satisfy my urges.

'Just try something, please?' Louis said, all eyes were on me as I reached for an apple and took a bite. 'See, that wasn't too bad, was it?' Louis held me in 

the tightest hug ever.

Once I had finished my little, unwanted breakfast, I made my way upstairs to get a shower, I didn't have one last night and I hate going without having a 

shower, I honestly don't know how people do that. 

I walked into my bathroom grabbing my shampoo, conditioner and soap, placing them all in the shower cubicle and turning it on, so it could be warming up. 

I looked around all of my cupboards looking for a razor so I could shave my legs, who knows what I'll be wearing for the interview. After looking for a good 

5 minutes I decided to just go down and ask the boys.

'Guys, have any of you seen my razor?' I asked.

All of them turned towards me. 'I'm not going to cut myself, before you jump to conclusions. I just need to shave my legs.'

'We got rid of them when we threw away your blades, we didn't want to take any chances.' Zayn said.

'Thanks guys, what am I supposed to do now?' I asked.

'Use one of mine.' Louis said, 'But you're not having it in the room on your own. We have to be sure you won't do anything.'

'You are NOT watching me in the shower!' I stated firmly!

'It's either that or nothing.' Louis stated.

I thought about it for a while, 'Fine, but you've got to close your eyes.'

'Deal.' And with that, Louis followed me upstairs and into the bathroom, before getting in the shower, first I need to remove all of the bandages on my arms, covering the many cuts I had inflicted on myself just the other day. I hadn't seen them since I first did them so I didn't know what to expect, my hands were shaking so much. 

'Let me help you.' Louis said, walking over from his place in the corner. He sat me down on top of the bench near the sink and got to work removing the many bandages. I closed my eyes through it all, not wanting to see them.

'Done.' I still had my eyes closed. 'You've got to look sooner or later.' Louis spoke, bringing my chin up so I'd be looking directly in his eyes. 

'Open them.' I did as he said. 'Follow my finger.' He said, slowly moving his finger down from his eyes, to his nose, chin, neck, stomach and lastly my wrist.

I gasped at the sheer extent of the damage I had caused, my eyes brimming with tears.

'I'm a mess.' I whispered.

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