'Why did you do it?'

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After they had finished singing, Zayn and Niall went home to get some stuff for me seeing as I’d be staying overnight. Liam and Harry had gone for drinks, leaving me and Louis in the room.

We hadn’t spoken since the others left 5 minutes ago, but the silence wasn’t uncomfortable in anyway. I had just been thinking about everything that had happened during the past 24 hours when Louis spoke up.

‘What are you thinking about?’

‘Just everything that’s happened. I’ve messed up again haven’t I?’

‘No, you didn’t mess up. Everyone makes mistakes every once in a while.’ He came and sat on the bed beside me. ‘It’s fine.’

‘But here I am, hospitalized again because of what I did to myself.’ He thought about what I said before he opened his mouth to say something, hesitating for a second before looking away.

‘Why did you do it? If you don’t want to talk about it, I’m fine with that.’ I knew they’d ask soon enough.

‘Louis, I-…’ Just as I was about to tell him, a doctor wearing a black suit jacket walked into my room.

‘Leah, we need to talk to you.’

‘Do you want me to stay with you?’ Louis asked, I nodded and he sat back down in the chair beside my bed.

‘Right well, we can see by your notes that you have been admitted for self-inflicted injuries before. The last time was a few weeks ago, am I right?’ He asked, I nodded and looked down at the bed, not wanting to make eye contact with someone that I feel so uncomfortable being around.

‘Is this your guardian?’ The doctor asked again pointing towards Louis.

‘Yeah, I am sort of, what’s going to happen?’ Louis saved me from answering.

‘Well, she’s going to need counselling and we’ve decided to give her a prescription of anti-depressants in the hope that this won’t happen again. We just need you to sign some forms and we’re happy to discharge her tonight as long as she seeks out treatment.’

‘And if I don’t? I whispered.

‘Well, if you don’t go to counselling, your condition will undoubtedly get worse and you will be admitted to a secure unit in the hospital until we think you start making progress.’ His voice was stern but I could see the sympathy glazed over his eyes.

‘So where are the forms I need to sign?’ Louis enquired, standing up from the chair and walking out of the room behind the doctor.

Great. So now I’m being discharged to go find help somewhere else. I don’t even know where to start.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and slowly stood up immediately feeling light headed. Thankfully Liam and Harry entered the room just I started falling and caught me.

‘Steady, are you ok?’ Liam asked sitting down in the chair previously occupied by Louis.

‘I’m fine, just a little light headed from laying down all day.’ I let out a slight laugh.

Harry looked over to me with a smile grazing his lips.

‘What are you smiling at Curly?’ I asked poking his dimple.

‘Oh, nothing. Just I heard that you’re coming home tonight after all, get changed into these and we can go.’ He responded throwing me a bag and pointing to the en-suite joined to my private room.

I slowly walked into the bathroom, still feeling slightly light headed and locked the door. Placing the bag down on the side and looking inside, these aren’t my clothes.

‘Harry, why have I got boys clothes?’ I shouted through the closed door.

‘We wanted you to be comfy so you’ve got Louis’ lounge trousers, Liam’s shirt, my hoody, Niall’s socks and Zayn’s boxers. Something comfy from each of us.’ He shouted back.

I must say, they weren’t wrong when they said these clothes would be comfy. It was like walking around wrapped in a duvet. A duvet that smells amazing might I add.

I slipped on Harry’s hoody being careful of all the bandages on my arm. I’ve really made a mess this time. 

I walked out of the bathroom to find that all of the boys had now returned.

‘Just one thing missing, shoes.’ I said as soon as they noticed I had returned.

‘Don’t worry.’ Louis winked at me. ‘I’ve got my slippers for you.’ At that moment he pulled the most random pair of slippers out from behind his back.

‘Only Louis Tomlinson can wear moose slippers and get away with them.’ I laughed, earning smiles from all of the boys.

‘You ready to go then?’ Liam asked, taking my hand in his.

‘As ready as I’ll ever be.’ I replied, squeezing his hand.

As soon as we walked out of the front door, the swarm of fans and paparazzi that had gathered during the day closed in on the boys and me. By this point Louis had gone to the other side of me, Harry in front and Niall behind. Zayn walked slightly in front of Harry clearing a path through the fans so we could get to the car.



The fans were hysterical, some of them weren’t even able to from words through the tears of joy.

‘Liam, who’s the girl?’

‘Why was she in hospital?’

The flashes of the paparazzi were making it hard for me to see anything so I just put my arms up and on Harry’s shoulders, using him as a guide in the hope to stay safe in this crowd.

Once we reached the car and started driving I finally spoke up.

‘How do you deal with that every day?’ I asked them.

‘We’ve got used to it over time.’ Zayn shrugged.

‘I haven’t!’ Niall declared. ‘I hate it when they do that, I’m not good with tight spaces.’

Once we got back to the house, all of the boys went to take showers leaving me alone in the living room. I flicked through the TV channels until I found something that caught my eye.

‘The boys of One Direction were seen leaving the hospital an hour ago. We saw them arrive earlier in the day, only this time they were accompanied by a girl. Sources confirm her name to be Leah Heathers but we are yet to get confirmation of what she was in for. By the looks of her wrists in this picture though, we believe it may be a case of self-inflicted injuries.’ They cut to a photo of me with my arms on Harry’s shoulders, the sleeves of the hoody had rolled up slightly revealing the bandages on my wrist.

The news reader went on showing the images of today before repeating what she had just said. Out of curiosity I flicked onto another 3 channels, all of them showing the same story.

The noise that came out of my mouth next was something of a scream, loud enough to cause all five boys to come running down and into the room. Niall, Zayn and Liam we’re dressed, Louis had a towel wrapped around his bottom half, leaving Harry only wearing a pair of boxers.

‘What’s wrong?’ He asked, seemingly confused.

Unable to forms words I simply pointed at the TV, one by one they all looked and gasped.

‘We’re so sorry this happened.’

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