'Thanks Lou.'

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'No you're not, you're just going through a hard time.' Louis said. 'I want you to see something.'

Louis stood up and slowly unbuttoned his jeans, lowering them a little so the tops of his thighs were just visible. I didn't understand what he was doing at first but once I looked at his thighs I realised that he was the same as me.

He had cut.

None of them appeared to be new, most of them were scars that had faded or we're just fading.

'Lou, wh-what? Why?'I stuttered. 

'Just like you, I had been going through a hard time and I'd heard about how it helped some people so I tried it.' He replied whilst pulling up his jeans, once buttoned he sat down on the floor motioning for me to join him. I climbed down from the bench I had been sat on and sat close to him on the floor. 

He pulled me into his side almost immediately.

'Why did you do it Lou?'

'My parents were having a hard time, they were going through a divorce and I felt that because I am the oldest child, that I should be looking after my Sisters but my school life wasn't that great at the time. I got bullied because I liked singing and drama so I couldn't look after my sisters as well as I should have done. I let it all get to me and I didn't know how to cope so I fell into cutting.' 

'How long has it been since you last did it?' I whispered into his chest.

'Almost a year, it's been tough but I didn't give in.' Louis answered. 'If I can do it, you can quit too.'

'Thanks Lou.' I said after giving him a quick hug.

'Now, do you promise me that after seeing this, you won't do it ever again?' He asked, his gaze once again returning to look directly in my eyes.

'I promise.' And with that, he kissed my cheek and left. Apparently I had regained his trust.

I got in the shower making sure to be careful around my wrist but also making sure that I got all of the dried blood off.

As soon as I had done in the shower, I got dressed into some casual clothes, making sure I had my arms covered, and brushed my hair, leaving it to dry naturally.

I didn't know what time we'd be going to the studios yet for the interview with Alan Carr but I knew it wouldn't be long until we left.

After I'd settled down a bit, I made my way downstairs to join the boys in the living room for a while. I sat down next to Niall seeing as Louis and Harry had sprawled out across the 3 seater and Zayn was hogging my usual arm chair. 

'Hey, you ok?' Niall nudged me in the ribs.

Yeah, I'm fine. Why?' I answered him. 

'Just wondering, I'm worried about you.' Niall answered, he pulled me into his side, placing his head on top of mine. I reached out to hug Niall but once my arms were outstretched my sleeves rolled up and I noticed all of the cuts on my arms once again and something popped into my head.

'Guys, what am I going to do about my arms at the interview?!'

All of the boys looked at each other before Harry spoke up.

'Well, we know that they're going to ask about it so why bother covering up?' 

Sensing how uncomfortable I was at that moment, Louis spoke up. 'But if you're not comfortable with that, we'll sort something out with our stylist.' 

I nodded in agreement and snuggled back down into Niall, focusing on his heartbeat.

~ ~ ~ ~

A few hours later we were at the studios, just about to go into wardrobe, all of the boys had their hair and make up done within half an hour, of course, mine took a little longer but both myself and the boys were impressed with the finished products. The boys just had their hair styled in their signature ways and a little foundation on to cover up any blemishes. I however, had something close to my similar make up, dark eye make up with winged eyeliner: making my grey eyes stand out even more and a dark red lipstick. Lou Teasdale, the boys' hair stylist, had worked her magic on my hair, styling it in big loose curls so it settled half way down my back. Wardrobe is what worried me the most but as soon as we walked in my worries were put to rest. 

The boys had had a word with the wardrobe team and they had picked out dark red coloured skinny jeans which matched my lipstick and a loose cream blouse with half length sleeves. They had also layed out tons of bracelets for me to put on that matched my outfit perfectly but the boys had also all given me a few of their own which touched me. The shoes which had been laid out were cream coloured heels that were plain but looked good on.

'Guys, thank you.' I said whilst turning around to face them once the heels were on.

'What for?' Harry and Zayn asked at the same time. They shot each other a look whilst shouting out 'JINX!'

'For lending me some of your bracelets.' I finally answered once I had finished laughing at what Harry and Zayn had just done. 

'Oh, that! It's nothing, honest. We wanted to help you as much as we could and we thought this would help.' 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2012 ⏰

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