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***************************september,20 2013*************************************

****************************************** liz pov*************************

a month has passed and im starting to feel a little better. i still hasnt taken off my wedding ring.

well george has been a great friend. hes been comforting me this past month. well hes off for right now for the military. we talked about time with jack. he told me stories of when they was in war. he helped me grieve. we met again on september 1 at the supermarket.


i woke up on sunday. i was starting to feel better adleast i saw jack in my dream. i went and took a shower. then i put on blue  jeans and a  white tank top. i put my hair in a high ponytail. i put on white sandals. then i went to go write a shopping list. i wrote everything down. i got my purse and thing. walked out the house and locked the door.

i got into the car and drove to the supermarket.i parked and then i walked in. i got a cart and walked down the aisles. i went to get milk,cereal,green grapes,green apples,eggs,cheese,ham,chicken. i walked down the aisle ad saw the last box of rice. i was about to get i. when someone got it.

im sorry were you going to get that someone asked me. i looked up and saw george. hey he said. hey i said. how are you he asked me. im fine and you i said. feeling good he said.i looked and saw he had on a black/gray shirt with a rolex and gay jeans that hung low.(pic on side).

so here you go he said. oh no you got it first i i insist i was going to try and cook,but we all know i would burn it im not that good of a cook he said. but you can learn i said. have you seen me cook if i had learned i wouldve burned the place down he said. well how about this if you can come over for dinner today ill teach you i said.

like a -no not a date i interupted him. then he started laughing i wasnt going to say date i was going to say class he said while laughing. i started blushing. aaaaw your blushing he said while trying to pinch my cheeks. thats not funny i said. you are-rude,strong,sexy he interupted me. then it was my turn to laugh.

so its true i am yes he said. then he started fistpumbing.i laughed some more. you are ridiculous i said. ridiculiously sexy he said. i chuckled and started walking toward the cashier. then he yelled out t me ill see you at 8 he yelled. so when it was 8. i taught his some small recipes,but he ended up burning it.

we laughed and talked that night. i made white rice with chicken curry. after that we became aquaintences. he came every night for dinner.


so right now i am teaching jack how to make italian style pizza. i got this video to help him. so right now were tossing the dough in the air.i watched george tossed his. he almost had it but his dough spinned to the top of the fridge. i almost had it he pouted. i chuckled sure you did i said sarcastically.

what you said he told me. what i said lying to him. girl dont get me started he said while snapping his fingers in a Z formation. that made me laugh. george gas been a good friend these past weeks. we talked about good memories with jack. the grieve was still on us,but we managed to stay happy.

i am happy. george has been their for me when i was sad and crying,he was their for me through good times and bad times. so i rolled the dough and spun it for jack,but i let him put the toppings. i put pepperoni,bacon,sausage and cheese. he put mozerella cheese,basil,slices of tomato and sauce.

once he was don he kissed his fingertips and said mwah. then he said in a italian accent bella,capolavora. my beutiful masterpiece he you went to italy i said. yeah it is historical and beautiful. i lean a little bit of italian he said.

i put the pizzas in the oven the foods good too he said.when i have time ill show you some pics he said. awsome i said.lets play a game while we wait he said. ok i said. he held out his hand. what i said. he sighed and grabbed my hands and interlocked it with his hand.

thumb wrestle he said. really thats for children i said. exactly he said. i am not a child i said. yes you are if your younger than me your a child he said. thats irrelavant i said. he shrugged his shoulder and said please. fine i said. yes he said while fistpumping.

i shook my head and we played for almost 20 minutes. yay i win i said. thats because you cheated he said. how could i have cheated its not my fault your a sore loser i said. he sticked his tingue out at me. i stuck mines out. child he said. i whacked him in the back of his head.

heeey that hurt he whine. im not a child i said.grumpy he said. dont make me whack you again i threatened him. then the time beeped for the pizza. ill help you he said. what a gentalmen i said. he looked at me and just stared.

******************************* george pov**************************************

what a gentalmen she said. i looked at her and i got lost in her eyes. she so beautiful. ever since i met her at the market she still looked beautiful. her laughed just lifted me up. geaorge she said. i snapped out of it. sorry was thinking about food i said. she giggled and said as always. i sighed she is beautiful.

i couldnt ever be with her. shes my mate wife. i couldnt do that to him. i grabbed the pizza and put it on he table on the plates. she came back with two glasses. what would you like she asked me. wine i said. coming up she said.

i watched her walk away. her body is beautiful,she had curves and all. her hair was long.ok well here we are she said. she poured the wine in the glasses. then westarted eating. liz try my masterpiece i said. masterpiece i rolled the dough for you  she said. fine our masterpiece i said.

she giigled and said ok. she was about to reach for it,but i said no taste it i said. fine she said. i held it toward her mouth and i fed it to her. this is really good and healthy she said. i watched her i want to try yours i said. ok go ahead she said. she cut her pizza and fed it to me.

good,but go light withe olive oil i said. then we went back to eating. she has a piece of sauceon her lip. i looked at her and chuckle. whats funny she asked me. you got something right here ill get it i said. i reached over and dab my thumb beside her lip.

their i said. we both looked into each other eyes. thnx she said. we ate and drank wine. then i think she drank a little too much. cuz when she started getting up,she fell back on the couch. haha i think you drank too much i said. yeah i think so too she said.

i chuckled and said ill help you i got up and got her hands and helped her up. im tired she mumbled. i put her back down on the couch and cleaned up the table. once i got back she was asleep. her hair was in her face.her lips looked kissable. she had a baby face. she looked beautiful.

i picked her up bridal style and took her to her bed. i took off her shoes. i laid her on the bed. i looked at her. then i kissed her on the forehead. she moved a little and open her eys. go back to sleep ill see you tomorrow i whispered to her.ok she said nd closed her eyes.

i was about to turn around till i heard her mumble your a true friend she mumbled. my smile crumpled. i was just a friend to her i sighed and walked out. while i drove home i kept on replaying the word true friend in my head.

on the side is dwayne johnson he will be playing as george. on the side is true friend. so what did you butterflies think?


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