halloween party

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************************************************* liz pov**************************

************************************ october,312013***************************

i looked at my outfit and sighed. ready george asked me. yeah lets go i said. i looked at his outfit he actually looked good. we piled into his red malibu.we drove toward the house or should i say mansion. we walked out and saw it was clear and clean. hmmm maybe this will be a normal gathering.

we walked inside and boy was i wrong it looked like a rgular highschool party,but it wasnt. i saw cups all over people my age gridnding and having a good time. i felt like i was back to my teenage years. i dont feel so good about this i told george. he wrapped his arms around me and said just stick with me and have fun he said. how can i have fun this is not my kind of enviroment i thought back to 3 days ago.



pllllllllllllz george whined. no i said. for me plz it wont be fun without you he said. yes it will just drink and have fun i said. your being stubborn he said. i am not i said. oh yeah what would you do if i went he said. i would be passing candy out to the trick-or treaters i said. thats not fun he said. yes it is to me i said.

pllllllllllllllllz he kept whining. four me liz he said in a baby face and started doing the puppy dog face. i groaned and looked away. lizzie wook at miiii he said in a child voice. i knew i would regret this ok i said. yeah-yeah he said then fist pump. stop trying to be cool its not working i said. liz he gasped. i am cool,i am like totally cool,like a ice popsicle he said.

i laughed like an ice popsicle really i said. hey he said while stomping his feet. im sowry gorge i said in a baby voice.hmmph he said and turned the other cheek. is little georgie mad at liz i said while pinching his cheeks. fine then georgie mad i guess i cant make his red velvet cake i said. oh well no desserts i said.

i was about to walk upstairs no im not mad see happy,happy, dont take away my cake he said. yay!! i said. you are so weird george mumbled. not as weird as you i said. he rolled his eyes. come on lets go buy our costumes he said. costumes i though you said this was a gathering i said. have you seen the calender its almost halloween he said.

i looked at him confused your sure i said. omg liz have you been living under a rack he asked me. yes with patrick star i said. you left me for patrick he said shocked. liz how could you!!! he said shocked. oh hush up lets go buy costumes i said. fine then,but this is not over he said teasingly.

we went to a costume store and searched for costumes. found the perfect one he said. i looked over at geoge and saw he had a matching pirate costume. i looked it. dont judge it you gonna look like a bad-ass he said. i snorted yeah me, a bad-ass no way i thought. then he came closer and pushed me into a dressing room with the costume. hey i said.

darling try it on he said in a english accent. i sighed and tried it on. i walked out and saw no one. george i said. right here darling he said. i looked to my left and saw a mirror. i looked alright i thought. then i heard goerge say behind me. then i looked and saw george in his pirate outfit.

he looked hot i thought. i know right i tr so hard to look this good he said. i rolled my eyes you look like a bad-ass i said.really he said then jumped up and down. i rolled my eyes. now darling turn around for i can look at you he said. i turned around and saw he had a pinky on his lips. you look like he said. then he crackled evily and did the same thing as dr.evil does in austin powers movie.

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