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***********************************3-11-14 Saturday****************************


                    I cradeled liz as she fell asleep on my lap. we were at james hospital waiting for news about her father. i  sighed as the waiting room was quiet. poor liz. i sighed. i watched as her mom sat down.staying quiet. her eyes were dry. i held her hand as i saw tears leaked. she looked over at me and gave me a smile.thank you she croaked at me. no promblem lizze needed to-no for the past month you brought her out.made her happy. i see the way you care for my daughter. she found a second chance at love and i'm glad it's you she said. i smiled at her and looked down at liz.

              I smiled as i wrapped my jacket around her tighter.i turned back to her mother. she's be through alot in her childhood years she sighed. i looked at her confused. i just hope when the time is right lizzie opens up to you her mother said. i nodded. their was some things i didnt know about lizzie. i'll go get us some coffee she said. okay i said. would you like anything? she asked me. no i'm good thnx i said. i sighed and watched the empty waiting room. all i heard was the faint beeps.

                 I felt lizzie tears. i wiped it away. she sniffled and opened her eyes. she got up slowly. i wiped away more of her tears. i kissed her nose and laid her head on my shoulder.it'll be alright just pray and think positive thoughts i said. i haven't prayed in a long time can you help me? she sniffled. i nodded and told her.we both bowed her heads and sent out prayers out to god. i opened my eyes and smiled as i saw jack. he waved and bowed his head and dissapeared. i felt something in my hands. i open my hands and saw a gold diamond encrusted christ necklace.

                 I saw lizzie still praying. i placed the necklace onto her neck and clip the clasp. she moved her hand toward the necklace and felt it. her eyes was still closed.she grabbed my hand and squeezed it. i kissed her hand and squeezed it tightly. i wiped her tears that leaked out.she opened her eyes and stared at me. she smiled at me i knew the look. i kissed her forehead. everything will be alright i whispered. she nodded and looked down at the necklace. what time is it? she asked me. i checked the time 6 p.m i said. I'VE BEEN ASLEEP FOR 8 HOURS AND YOU DIDN'T WAKE ME!!! she screeched. you must be exhausted here get som- i'm fine your mom just went to go get coffee i said.

                  She nodded and got up to stretch. i'll be back i'm going to the bathroom she said. okay i said. she walked down the hall and dissapeared around the corner. i laid my head in my hand and pondered my thoughts.


                    I sat on the couch praying that lizzie dad will be okay. i laid on the couch worrying. soon my phone rang. it was george.


M:hey how is everyone?

G:wer'e good we still hasn't gotten the reults of lizzie dad yet

M:oh i said sadly

G:yeah,but i saw jack again

M:what!! i said shocked

G:yeah he gave me a necklace for lizzie for her to be strong

M: wow

G: yeah hey i gotta go the doctor just came to tell us the results.

M:okay talk to you later give lizzie a hug and a kiss for me

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