Happy birthday Jack

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                I grabbed my things and left the agency. they said that their was something jack added to his will. apparently they needed my signature for a confidential contract on jack death. i went toward a flower cart and got a yellow and white rose. i got back in the car and headed to jack's grave. i checked to see if the umbrella was in the back. i looked up at the grey clouds that were rolling in.



                   I parked and grabbed the flowers and the box. i walked toward his grave and forced a smile as i saw george their with the things. "you ready?" he whispered. I leaned down on his graves and placed the flowers there. hi jack, happy birthday guess what your 32, yes that means your getting old and i'm right by your side. i hope you like your gift,i'll always be thinking of you, hope you like my present jack love you. i told jack. i opened the box and grabbed the first picture.



                        Jack placed the balloon on the helium gas and i tied the string around the pic and the balloon. i kissed the balloon. "happy birthday jack" i whispered and watched as one by one they all floats up and away.  we watched as they disappears through the dark clouds. soon drops of rain started drizzling."hell always be with you,hes never gone,just look deep withing your heart,hes everywhere,you ll feel it" george recited the words he told me from the first time we met. i let my body get damp as i laid my head on george chest and watch jack grave.



                                 I let the tears fall,but kept on with my prayers. " turn around" jack said over the drops of rain. i turned around and saw the gang here with balloons,But each balloon had it's own message written on it. " we love you and jack,we'll always be here for you" they shouted at me. soon it rained harder and they let go of the balloons. i watched as the multi colored balloons fly up. "liz we should go, i don't want you to catch a cold" george said. i nodded.



                                  I kneeled down and placed a kiss on jack grave. "i'll always be thinking of you" i said. i turned around and hugged george. we walked back into the car. i got into my car and we all headed to george place. we walked in and we all went to change. i changed into black sweats and a white tank. i towel dried my hair and placed into a messy bun. i walked downstairs and smelled popcorn. "come on liz movie night!" mike shouted.



                               I chuckled and walked over to the one chair couch. i laid down feeling tired,but stay awake for the movie. "what are we watching?" i asked them. "the call" john said. "no" all of us girls shouted. " oh-we have rina with us, wer'e definitely not watching it" megan said sternly. " ooh can we watch Hoodwinked?" rina asked us. "yes" i said. I grabbed the remote and ordered the movie. i walk back toward the couch to see george is on it.



                         I rolled my eyes and sat on his lap. he kissed my forehead and i snuggled into his chest. i watched as the funny cartoon movie started. after an hour into the movie. i felt tired. i kept trying to keep my eyes open,but the heats of george chest and his heartbeat lured me to sleep. I groaned as the sun rays hit my eyes. i rolled around to shield my innocent eyes. "baby wake up i made break-feast george said. I pulled the pillow over my head to sleep.

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