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Dare I say it. 2 weeks has passed by quickly. I wiped my tears as I stare at Amelia,Lisa,and Richard bringing out boxes. I walked into the empty home to see if they needed any help. I bit my lip. As I saw them in a group hug. I didn't want to interrupt. I bit my lip and walked upstairs. My heart beats loudly as I can hear it from my ears. If someone told me years ago that I be bawling my eyes out in the future. I would've tried to change it. Their are times when we can't change what happen,but in the end good things come out of it.

I stared at his old bedroom door. I opened his door slowly and looked at what's change. It's like he wasn't even here. This home has so many memories. In the far right was his king sized bed,the left corner was his computer. I looked toward his closet. where their would be clothes half on the hangers. some on the floor. I remember when he went to school one day with hi shirt on backwards. He said “he doesn’t care,he looks good in anything”. I smiled at those precious memories. The green walls. He would have army posters on it.

The dresser would be next to the door. I remember one time we was playing catch in here and he threw the ball,but it hit the mirror and cracked. I told him we should get a new mirror. “no leave it it's okay to have cracks in ourselves as long as we can still see who we really are”. I walked over to his balcony door and opened it. I remember when he jumped off the balcony because he said “going downstairs was too slow” and he sprained his knee. I smiled and looked toward the apple tree that was growing near here.

I reached over and grabbed the apple. Their was this one time when I grabbed an apple to eat it and he threw it out my hand. “ I don't want you to get poison like snow white”. I looked out below and around his room. We had so many memories. I will treasure these moments. I took a deep breath and walked out his room. I closed the door slowly at what I’ll remember. I walked downstairs.

Lizzie I didn't see you there when did you get here?”

5 min ago,do you need help with anything?”

no we're through now,but I do need help with the goodbye's”

I walked over to her and hugged her tightly.

this isn't goodbye,it's we will talk later,we're still going to keep in touch”

I know,but its like I’m losing my second daughter”

I’m always here trust me, I’ll get on the flight to come to Texas”

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