Holding back the truth

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**********************************George pov*********************************************

              I woke up around 9 ready to face on today.i went to go shower and did the hygiene things.i placed black slacks and white checkered t-shirt.i placed black nike's on.i sprayed on Cologne and shaved. i walked downstairs to see kelly.Kelly? i said shocked. babe just-how did you-oh that you left your keys in the door she said. i smacked my forehead.thnx now bye i said and snatched the keys out her hands.but-get out i shouted and opened the door to see liz.liz i said shocked.

             Hey i just wanted to-Hi liz how are you? kelly asked her.i'm fine and you? she asked kelly.i'm great well i'll talk to you later kelly said. she was going to kiss my cheek,but i moved my face and pointed at the door.bye and don't come back i said.i turned back to liz. welcome back i said.thnx it's great to be back she said. i nodded and invited her in.look iz let me just explain. it's not what it looks like at the new years party she-i know she kissed you-yeah that's great,but you need to know that she's not-your girlfriend and she's hung up on you liz said.

          happy late new years she said.  happy late new years liz i chuckled.so are we back to our schedule? i asked her happy.yeah,but their something else i have to tell you it was-just so hard,you became broken and needed space,also to breakaway i finished for her.yeah how'd you know? she asked me.i read your mind i said. wow we have been finishing each other' sentences she chuckled.yeah i said.so for your return let's all have a dinner tonight at my place i said.

            Why can't i cook? she asked me.it's a surprise i said.okay i'll call the gang and what's megan number? she asked me.well megan left and went back to her hometown.she didn't want another relationship.so she left for a while,but she will return from Georgia i sighed.oh well i hope she feels better liz said.she will now the dinner starts at 8 don't be late i said.

            I won't bye george she said and left the flat i sighed and walked over to the couch i was about to watch tv.till the doorbell rang. i got up and went to go answer it. i looked thought the pee Pole and saw it was Sargent gilzer.i open the door. morning general gilzer i said and saluted him. we saluted and greeted ourselves. he gave me an envelope and bid our farewell's.i sat on the couch and was about to open the letter.till my doorbell ranged. i groaned and got up again to answer it. it was mike and john.

             What do you want? i groaned.dude stop all that groaning you'r not aroused so shut up and this is important john said.i flopped on the couch. okay tell me i said.were going back to base a month early mike said. what! i shouted.yeah we got our letters didn't you get yours mike asked me. i grabbed the letter and ripped it open. i skipped over the beginning and my eyes went wide as i read the date  would be leaving on this can't be right i thought. i shook my head and dropped the letter on the floor.

        I rubbed my face and got angry.so angry. i fumed and punched a wall.woah what's wrong mike and john asked me. i tried to calm myself down,but i was so shocked,surprised,and most of all angry.they asked me again.i'm leaving on may 20 i whispered. they looked at me confused.i rubbed my face and punched another hole in the wall.that's liz birthday i said.they had the same face i had on shock.

        Damn it they whispered.


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