Spend the time we have left with each other

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I stared at each of their faces. “Lizzie I can”-”I’m here Megan interrupted him. I removed my eyes from the gang toward Megan and rina. “auntie Lizzie!” rina squealed and ran toward me. I held myself so I wouldn't fall. “hi kiddo you know theirs a plate of chocolate chip cookies in the kitchen calling your name” I told her. She giggled and rushed toward the kitchen.

what's going on?” Megan asked us all.

we're returning back to base and Lizzie mad about it” George sighed.

excuse me I’m not mad I’m just sad that you kept it a secret from me”

I huffed and walked toward the kitchen. I smiled as I saw rina stuff a cookie in her mouth. I grabbed a cup from the cupboard and rinsed it. I pour some milk in it. “thank auntie” she said. “your welcome rina” I said. I kissed her forehead and walked upstairs. I sighed and sat on the bed. I wish he told me sooner,then keeping it a secret. I need to go visit him. I feel bad for not visiting him often. I put my hair into a messy bun. I grabbed my car keys and walked downstairs.

where are you going?” john asked. “out I’ll be back”

I opened the door and walked out. I got into my car and placed my keys in ignition. I flipped the seat up and grabbed my wallet. I backed out the driveway and drove to the nearest flower shop. I got his favorite flowers and smiled. I went back into the car and drove to his grave. I parked and walked toward his grave. I smiled and placed his flowers onto it.

hey how are you?,i know I haven’t talked omg I just realized something you know their moving, I was shocked. When they told me. I’m going to miss them,but I was wondering if you can talk to your sis. She miss you and I want her to get better. So you must've heard our discussion huh. I know I was wrong to leave them like this,but I was disappointed and hurt that they didn't tell me. It would've been worse if it was my birthday and they left without telling me goodbye. Is this what you were trying to tell me,when I was in a coma. We have to spend the time we have left with each other. Thanks for listening jack I love you and I always will have a great afternoon”

I got up and walked back to my car. I looked up as the sun was starting to set. I got into my car and drove toward the supermarket. I got chicken and told the butcher to cut it into bite size pieces. I got the ingredients to make chicken Alfredo. I got Cuban bread also. I walked toward the checkout aisle and paid for it. I placed the groceries in my car and drove onward home. I reached home and walked through the door. The living room was empty for some reason. I sighed and walked toward the kitchen to get started on the chicken Alfredo. I followed the recipe from food network.

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