~The Shadows~

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~AN- Hey everyone, I know that this is something new for me and it's probably not going to be my best work. I'm a girl who will mainly be working with boy point of views, so I already know that this won't be my best work. I will however try my best. I hope that you actually give this book a chance. It'll be a little rocky at first but hopefully as it gets going it'll be better, thank you, Love you all.~

~Raphael's POV~

"We move in the shadows of darkness, as one, four brothers created by the..."

"Shut up Mikey."

I shook my head at my brother before following Leo and Donnie on the rest of our city sweep. I hung back and let Mikey go ahead of me. It was then that I saw four something's moving in the shadows behind us. I flipped so I was in front of Leo before pointing behind us. I'm guessing he saw the shadows too because he gave us the nod and we flipped backwards so we're standing in front of the once shadows. Only they weren't just shadows or even people, they were like us, except gorgeous. One of them had the same weapon as me and was wearing a pink bandana on her face. The others all had similar things, except their bandanas were light purple, yellow, and sky blue, they were all very pretty, but the pink she was hot. I pulled myself from my thoughts of her and back to the thought of April. I love April, granted she's with Casey but that doesn't change how I feel about her. The guys and I looked at them before Mikey opened his big ass mouth.

"Dude's there hot."

The one with the yellow bandana giggled. I smacked Mikey in the back of the head while pink just smirked at my actions. I have a feeling that it's something she would do, I looked at her before Leo spoke.

"Listen, I don't know who you are, but I have a feeling that you're new here and don't have a place. Follow us and keep your mouths shut, we won't have a problem."

The one with the pink stepped forward.

"We don't take orders from you blue boy, and I don't know who the fuck you think you are but it ain't working for me. We came here looking for you so maybe we could figure out how the fuck this happened to us."

I kinda like this girl, I mean damn, anyone who stands up to Leo like that has fucking balls. I ain't even that fucking stupid, I wonder if she'll survive this. Leo shook his head and I could tell that he was passed.

"Listen hear, I won't use the language you just did, but listen to me when I say in New York you don't wanna be spotted. Come with us, and we can talk about how this all happened, alright, but we gotta go."

Light blue stepped forward placing a hand on the pink arm.

"Ronda, he's right, we gotta go."

Ronda looked at me and then looked at the light blue nodding her head, before light blue spoke.

"We'll introduce ourselves when we're safe alright?"

Leo nodded his head before we took off with the girls following close behind. I'm surprised that they could keep up, but at the same time it looked like they were trained like we were. We have teenage female ninja turtles on our hands, and we are so fucking screwed. It didn't take long before we reached our sewer. We went down the hole in the ground and the girls followed us. We walked through until we stopped and looked at the girls, Leo looked at each of them..

"Alright, Raph is gonna go first to tell Splinter, you girls are gonna go next then us got it."

They nodded there head, but Ronda looked like she was fucking pissed, you can tell she doesn't like orders. I jumped down the hole walking to find Splinter. I knew that soon we would have guests and my secret love for April will be harder to keep.

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