~April & Casey Getting Married?~

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~April's POV~

It's been three months since the day with Raph on the roof, since then Casey and I got engaged and today's our wedding day. So much is gunna change and the one person that can stop it, is in love with another. I sat in the room in the sewers waiting for the music to start. I stood up as Splinter walked in, I smiled at him. He smiled at me before we started our walk down to my tragic future. Splinter guided me down the aisle, sitting in the back alone was Raph. He looked at me and I looked at Ronda to see tears sliding down her face, I knew that they were done. Casey took my hand and I stood in front of him as Splinter started the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in matrimony. If anyone wishes to state a reason for this union not to proceed, speak now or forever hold your peace."

He looked around and waited, I looked at Raph hoping he would stand up. He stood before sitting back down doing this twice before standing one last time.

"Wait, April, you can't marry him."

Casey stepped forward.

"What the fuck is your problem Raph?"

"I'm in love with her."

I smiled at him, before running into his arms and hugging him tight, I felt a hand grab my upper arm and roughly pull me away, I looked at Casey.

"Well I'm marrying her."

"Actually you're not, because once someone objects the weddings over, I object fucktard, so get your damn hands off her..."

Raph took my hand and I smiled as Raph continued.

"Get your shit out of her apartment and stay the fuck away from her."

Casey shook his head and knew that it was over. He walked out of the sewer and I knew that he wouldn't be back. I looked at Raph and he looked at me before Ronda came over.

"I'm happy for you guys, and I hope it works out. I just came to say goodbye, I'm leaving so I'll see you around."

We nodded our heads and she hugged everyone goodbye before leaving. I looked at Raph once again and he smiled.

"You ready to go home?"

I nodded my head and we walked out of the sewer to the apartment. When we got there Raph and I crawled into bed. He wrapped his arms around me holding me close, I smiled as he whispered in my ear.

"Goodnight April, I love you."

"I love you too."

We soon fell into a peaceful sleep knowing that tomorrow things would be much better.

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