~Donnie & Del with Mikey & Maci~

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~Donnie's POV~

I woke up this morning holding Del in my arms. It's been two days since Leo and Lily left for their honeymoon in South America. Since then Del hasn't been the same, she really misses Lily. They were the closest out of all the sisters, it's hard to see her like this. She just looks so alone even though she has me. I mean the only other sister she has here is Maci, and they aren't really that close. I just feel like I'm not enough for her. I walked out of the room careful not to wake Del. I walked into the kitchen to see the guys, Splinter, and April all sitting around having a good time. I sat down and started eating only to be brought from my thoughts by the Raph's fingers snapping in front of my face. I shook my head before looking at him.

"What Raph?"

"Where's Della?"

"Oh, she's still sleeping."

"Is everything alright between you two?"

"I don't know, the last two day's she just been distraught and kinda sad, ever since Lily and Leo left. I don't know, I guess I just feel like I'm not enough for her. I love her, but I don't think that she loves me enough. I don't think it's gonna work out, I love her and I want it to work, I just don't know about her. I don't want to bring it up to her because I don't want to hurt her."

Just then Del walked in and looked at everyone with her sad dull blue eyes that haven't shined for a few days. She came over sitting on my lap, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Can we talk?"

I nodded my head before she got up taking my hand. We walked to our room and she sighed before looking at me.

"Donnie, do you not love me anymore?"

"Del, of course I love you, and I always will."

"Then what's going on with you? I wake up alone every morning and you hardly talk to me anymore."

"Del, you pulled away from me, ever since Lily left your eyes aren't bright, you don't laugh, you don't talk, you've pulled away from me. I love you Del, and I get that with Lily's gone you feel alone, but you're not. You have me, you have the guys, and you have Maci. Just because Ronda left of a broken heart, and Lily left on a honeymoon for a few months doesn't mean you get to check out. It doesn't mean that you get to pull away from everyone that still loves you, from everyone that's still here with you. I love you with all my heart Del, hell someday I wanna make you my wife, but you need to let this go and start talking to me. Let me see the bright happy girl that I fell in love with all those months ago, let me see the girl that made me smile just by hearing her laugh or seeing her smile. Give me that girl back, I love you Del, I miss you. I miss your bright blue eyes that shinned whenever she looked at me. The last few days I haven't seen her and I miss her so much. Figure it out, find that girl again, because until you do, I'll be waiting for her to come back to me."

I walked out of the room as tears ran down her face, I love her so much. I know that what I said either made her feel really good or it hurt her like hell, but it had to be said. She had to know that she wasn't alone, and that how she's acting affects everyone around her. She acted like she didn't care anymore and that's bullshit. I love her, but I won't stand next to her and watch her drag herself and everyone that loves her down. I walked into the kitchen only to have Del follow behind me with tears still streaming down her face, she walked up to me.

"Ask me."


"If you love me, ask me right here, right now, ask me."

"Ask you what Del? There's nothing to ask you right now, you need to get yourself together and right now I have nothing to say, I said it all in that room. If you have something you want me to ask you then your gonna have to tell me what it is, because at the moment I have no clue."

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